Yeruslimskaya Elena, Ryssland
I was born in Moscow in 1955. Since my childhood time I was deeply interested in Biology, horses and dogs. I have got my professional education as the veterinarian at the Moscow Veterinarian Academy. In cynology I was educated by Dr. Eugene Yerusalimsky, my husband.
I was qualified as the judge first in 1980, since 1992 I became RKF All-rounder status, and since 2000 I’m FCI-International All-rounder. Over the years I judged at European, International and National shows in Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Chile, Brazil and Australia.
Together with my husband we have “Ave Concorde” kennel, and this year we celebrate its 30-years Anniversary.
Among our breeds were Dobermans, Schnauzers p/s, Boxers, Miniature Pinschers, Shar-Peis, Bullmastifs, Central Asian Sheepdogs, Norfolk Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, American Cocker Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers, Chinese Crested Dogs, Griffons and Brabancons , and French Bulldogs. But our main breed is still Schnauzer, p/s.
Young Keith A W
Keith Young first became involved with the dog world in the mid-1970’s, when the family bought a Golden Retriever. Subsequently he and his wife June registered the Pyngold kennel name and showed the breed with success.
From his early days in dogs Keith has been interested in the administration side of dog showing and his first direct involvement was with the United Retriever Club where he concentrated mainly on the working side of the activities.
Through his great friendship with Ron Bradbury, Keith became involved with the Midland Golden Retriever and was elected onto their Executive Committee in the late 1970’s where he served as a Committee Member., Assistant Secretary, Vice-Chairman and Chairman until his retirement 2007. The Midland Golden Retriever Club made Keith an Honorary Life Member in recognition of his service to the Club.
For many years Keith was on the Executive Committee of the Midland Countries Championship Show, the Birmingham National Championship show and the City of Birmingham Championship Show at the same time. When he was appointed Secretary of “The City” he resigned from the other two Societies. Keith I s currently the Secretary of the City of Birmingham, a position he has held for a numbers of years. In addition Keith was a Group Steward at the LKA (for some twenty-eight years) and WELKS (for twenty-three years) until his recent retirement.
He became a member of the kennel Club in 1990 and was elected onto the General Committee in May 1997. Having previously served on the Disciplinary Committee for a number of years, Keith is currently Chairman of the Show Executive Committee.
Having first awarded CC’s in Golden Retrievers in 1991 and judging the breed at Crufts in 2005, Keith is now approved tp award Challenge Certificates in Golden Retrievers; Flatcoated Retrievers; Labrador Retrievers; English Setters; Pointers; Weimaraners; Italian Spinone; Clumber Spaniels and Welsh Springer Spaniels as well as being approved to judge the gundog Group.
Keith has judge extensively throughout Europe, Scandinavia as well as in Japan.
Zake Ligita , Lettland
Jag har haft och fött upp Boxer sedan 1969, men har inga hundar för närvarande. Auktoriserad domare sedan 1984. Var ordförande i Lettiska Boxerklubben mellan 1981-1995. I många år tränade och tävlade jag bruks, i grenarna lydnad och spår. Är medlem av den Lettiska Kynologiska federationens styrelse samt Boxer klubben styrelse, ordförande i domarkommittén sedan 1998, representant för Lettland i FCI:s domar och utställningskommitté. Har dömt i många Öststater samt runt om i Norden.
Zakrezewska Malgorzata, Polen
Har varit medlem av den Polska Kennelklubben sedan 1983 och dömde sin första Cert-utställning 1990, är numer Internationell utställningsdomare auktoriserad på hela grupp 3 och 9 samt Schnauzer, Pinscher i grupp 2. I tonåren var det farbrodern, utställningsdomare med släthårs Foxterrieruppfödning som var Malgorzatas mentor och fram till idag är Släthårig Foxterrier också hennes egen ras. Hon föder upp under prefixet Forta. Marlgorzata arbetar till vardags med att driva ett toppmodernt hundtrim. |
Zhuk Anatoli Vitryssland
Jag har varit engagerad i uppfödning av aprikos storpudel de senaste 16 åren. Jag har fött upp många framgångsrika hundar, var av två internationella champions och en Europavinnare i Poznan 2000. Sedan 1988 har jag arbetat aktivt med kynologi, som medlem av Minsk uppfödarkommitté, ordförande i Vitryska Pudelklubben samt ordförande i Belarusian Cynological Union sedan 1996. Jag blev auktoriserad domare 1990 och har dömt i många Europeiska länder samt Asien och Sydamerika. Jag har dömt BIS på internationella utställningar i Portugal, Chile, Polen, Italien, Vitryssland, Estland, Lettland, Litauen och Ryssland. Jag dömer samtliga raser i FCI-grupperna: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 samt 10 och Junior Handling |
Zidar Fon Željka, Slovenien

There were many dogs in my childhood, but I started my occupation in kennel area seriously in 1971 with Black Giant Schnauzer Šaš Grinotvški who was one of the first representative of this breed in Slovenia. I shared my life later on also with some other breeds (German Sheperds, Doberman and Dalmatian), but Schnauzers have remained my prioirty and it was the reason that more than 16 years ago I founded the first Schnauzer Pinscher Club in Slovenija and I am still its president.
After Giant Schnauzers, I started breeding pepper / salt standard Schnauzers. I named my kennel »Gremarti«. The name was based on first letters of my son’s and daughter’s names Gregor and Martina. Now both are over 35 years old.
Besides I am an international judge for FCI group II / Schnauzers, Pinchers, Doberman; group III. – all Terriers; group IV. – Dachunds, all group V. – Spitzs and primitive dogs), I am finishing group IX.. I has been judging in 29 different countries, 1 Europian and 1 World Dog Show.
I am a founder of junior handling in Slovenija and the Kennel Club´s kommission for juniorhandling. I also made the first regulations, training and wrote a book about the sport. I am still judging a lot of junior handling competitions all over the world. I’ve been performing many diferent kynological seminars at home and abroad, also in China.
Since 15 years I am also president of Comission Dog and Child in Slovenian Kennel Club and my last success is opening of exposition »All about Dogs and Kraški ovcar« in the Children Museum in Celje, same area as the Europian Dog Show in Slovenija will take place in October 2010.
I am retired, but for 15 years I have been a regular columnist of many kennel magazines and from 2001 to this year also a substitute chef editor of Kinolog, Slovenian Kennel Club magazine.
I has translated a lot of books and articles into our native language, such as »The Encyclopedia of the Dog« (dr. Bruce Fogle).
Awards: Silver badge from Slovenian Kennel Club and Golden badge for work with young people from Slovenian Kennel Club. University of Ljubljana / Zootehnic Department / honoured me in year 2009/10 with position of Lecturer of kinology on Universitiy.
Zizevske Livija, Litauen
Aktiv uppfödare av corgi raserna. Dömt vid herdehundsklubben i Danmark |
Zsolt Lokodi Csaba (RO)
Zsolt Lokodi has been showing and breeding Airedale and Welsh Terriers for twenty years. Since 1987 his dogs were known as ”Nyaradmenti”, then he decided to merge his kennel with the ”Happytails” kennel. His dogs have been consistently successful around the world, with Champions in many countries (Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, Russia, Estonia), many International Champions and European and World Winners. He also shows and breeds Dachshunds (Wire).
He was approved as an FCI all round judge in 2008 and he is the founding member of the National Terrier and Dachshund Club of Romania (CNTT).
He is also a cyno-technical responsible of the Romanian Kennel Club board, vicepresident of the Romanian judges board. He is one of the organiser of the Tg-Mures Dracula Shows ( held annually on the grounds of the Medieval Castle.
Zwaartman-Pinster Ineke (NL)
I’m 62 years old, married with one son, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.
I’ve owned Cavalier King Charles Spaniels since 1974, and started breeding them 1976. In the past twenty-five years I’ve limited my breeding to the black & tan and ruby, with once in while blenheim and tricolour.
About nearly twenty years ago, the first Tibetans Spaniel came to live with us; on this moment we have 13 Tibetan Spaniels, they are not sharing the house with Cavaliers anymore. Our last Cavalier past away a year ago. We breeds 1 till 3 Tibbie litters in a year.
Before the Tibetans Spaniels, my Cavaliers shared the house with longhaired Chihuahuas and Maltese, whose company I enjoyed and bred for 17 years.
I also helped with the publication of two Dutch books, i.e. “De Kees”(‘De Keeshond’) and “De Cavalier in Nederland”(Cavaliers in the Netherlands’). In January 2006, I completed a third book, a Dutch book on “Tibetaanse Spaniel” (‘The Tibetan Spaniel’), which I wrote myself.
In 2014 I have completed a new book of the Tibetan Spaniel, “The Jewel of the east”. Both in English and in Dutch
The past 23 years I have been FCI judge. I am group judge of Group 9 and Group 5 and breeds in group 2,3, 7 and 8. And BIS-judge.
Both breeding and judging are serious hobbies and passions of mine that I enjoy and I hope to continue both for many years to come.
I am proud of our kennel that exists 40 years in 2016.
In the past I did also a several directorships. I also a member of several clubs at home and abroad

Åkesson Carin
Är framgångsrik uppfödare av shetland sheepdog. BIR på Crufts 2016 och både BIR och BIM på Crufts med egen uppfödning talar sitt tydliga språk. Detta i rasens hemland med mycket höga anmälningssiffror. Hon är aktiv uppfödare, uställare och domare och blandar sina intressen med stort och gediget intresse. Carin dömer ett 40-tal olika raser och har varit flitig besökare i olika länder världen över.
I got my first dog, a Shetland Sheepdog, when I was 13 years old. The breeder of our dog talked us into showing him. Our dog won Best of Breed and was even placed in the group at his first show, which of course whet my appetite for dog shows at once. I’ve bred Shetland Sheepdogs in a small scale since 1975 under the prefix Windcrest. My dogs have won BOB at Crufts in 2016–2018 and in 2018, also BOS. I lived in the UK from 1986 to 1990 and showed my dogs frequently there. I was authorized as a judge in 1990. Today, I’m licensed for about 45 breeds. My other interests include bird spotting and gardening.
Kennelnamn |
Windcrest |
Hemsida |
– |
Född år |
1954 |
Yrke |
Ekonom |
Auktoriserad exteriördomare år |
1990 |
Dömer följande raser |
1 |
Australian Shepherd |
1 |
Bearded Collie |
1 |
Collie Rough |
1 |
Collie Smooth |
1 |
Dutch Schapendoes |
1 |
Komondor |
1 |
Maremma and the Abruzzes sheepdog |
1 |
Mudi |
1 |
Puli |
1 |
Pumi |
1 |
Pyrenean sheepdog, Long-haired |
1 |
Pyrenean sheepdog, Smooth faced |
1 |
Schipperke |
1 |
Shetland Sheepdog |
1 |
White Swiss shepherd dog |
2 |
Appenzell cattle dog |
2 |
Bernese mountain dog |
2 |
Caucasian shepherd dog |
2 |
Danish-Swedish Farmdog |
2 |
Entlebuch cattle dog |
2 |
Great Swiss mountain dog |
2 |
Landseer (European continental type) |
2 |
Leonberger |
2 |
Newfoundland |
2 |
Spanish Mastiff |
5 |
Eurasian |
5 |
Finnish Lapphund |
5 |
Lapponian herder |
5 |
Swedish Lapphund |
5 |
Thai Ridgeback dog |
5 |
Xoloitzcuintle, Intermediate |
5 |
Xoloitzcuintle, Miniature |
5 |
Xoloitzcuintle, Standard |
6 |
Dalmatian |
8 |
Nederlandse Kooikerhondje |
8 |
Portuguese water dog (Cão de agua português) |
8 |
Romagna water dog (Lagotto romagnolo) |
9 |
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel |
9 |
Continental Toy Spaniel Papillon – with erect ears |
9 |
Continental Toy Spaniel Phalène – with hanging ears |
9 |
Lhasa Apso |
9 |
Shih Tzu |
9 |
Tibetan Spaniel |
9 |
Tibetan Terrier |
Har haft hund sedan |
1967 |
Egna raser |
Shetland sheepdog |
Språkkunskaper |
Engelska |
Har dömt i följande länder |
Tjeckien |
Har/har haft uppfödning av följande raser |
Shetland sheepdog |
Har/har haft avelshundar av följande raser |
Shetland sheepdog |
Egna framgångsrika hundar |
Windcrest Scottish Passion
Windcrest Flying Scotsman
Windcrest Stylish Move
CIB SE FI EE Ch EEV-13 FIV-14 Windcrest Blaze of Fire |
Övriga intressen |
Djur och natur |
Åkesson Sten
Jag föder upp Newfoundlandshundar sedan 25 år tillbaka under kennelnamnet CleBas. Är flitig utställare och arbetar med SNK:s vattenprov.
Har varit officiell domare i ca. 10 år, drömmer raser i grupp 1, grupp 2 och i grupp 5. Bor i Hässleholm med min fru Monika, och arbetar på socialförvaltningen i Hässleholms kommun.
Är ordförande i Svenska Newfoundlandshund klubben samt ingår i Svenska Kennel Klubbens centralstyrelse och är ordförande i SKK:s uppfödar- och konsulentkommitté.
Ögren Karin

Till FCI domarguide >>
Kennelnamn |
Malkom’s |
Hemsida | |
Född år |
1956 |
Yrke |
Konstnär |
Auktoriserad exteriördomare år |
2005 |
Dömer följande raser |
2 |
Affenpinscher |
2 |
Bernese mountain dog |
2 |
Boxer |
2 |
Bulldog |
2 |
Dogue de Bordeaux |
2 |
Entlebuch cattle dog |
2 |
German Pinscher |
2 |
Great Swiss mountain dog |
2 |
Mastiff |
2 |
Miniature Schnauzer, Black |
2 |
Miniature Schnauzer, Black and silver |
2 |
Miniature Schnauzer, Pepper and salt |
2 |
Miniature Schnauzer, White |
2 |
Pyrenean mountain dog |
2 |
Schnauzer, Black |
2 |
Schnauzer, Pepper and salt |
2 |
Shar Pei |
2 |
St. Bernard, Long-haired |
2 |
St. Bernard, Short-haired |
3 |
American Staffordshire Terrier |
3 |
Bull Terrier |
3 |
Miniature Bull Terrier |
3 |
Staffordshire Bull Terrier |
5 |
Chow Chow |
9 |
Boston Terrier |
9 |
French Bulldog |
9 |
Pekingese |
9 |
Pug |
Har haft hund sedan |
– |
Egna raser |
Engelsk Bulldog |
Språkkunskaper |
Engelska |
Har dömt i följande länder |
– |
Har/har haft uppfödning av följande raser |
Engelsk Bulldog |
Har/har haft avelshundar av följande raser |
Engelsk Bulldog |
Egna framgångsrika hundar |
Norduch Nordv-03 Malcom’s Golden Rose
Such Finuch NordJV-03 SV-04 Malcom’s Iron Bullion
Årets Uppfödare Engelsk Bulldogg 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
Årets Bulldogg (tik) 2001, 2003, 2004
Årets Avelstik 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
19 st Champions varav 14 st är ur egen uppfödning
Exporterat till England, Sydafrika förutom de Nordiska länderna |
Övriga intressen |
– |
Ørnemark Poul Danmark
Mitt namn är Poul J. Ørnemark, jag är utbildad veterinär och uppfödare av korthårig Tax sedan 1966 under kennelnamnet TECKEL. Det är ingen stor uppfödning men den har haft stora framgångar både på utställning och jaktprov vilket resulterat i en lång rad champions.
Jag blev auktoriserad domare 1970 och dömer i dag 118 raser. Jag har dömt runt om i många länder och det har blivit 320 intenationella och nationella utställningar.
Poul Örnemark, Danmark.
Är till yrket veterinär. Har fött upp tax sedan 1966. Kennelnamn ”Teckel”. Han har suttit ordförande i Dansk Gravhundeklub i mer än 10 år samt varit ordförande i Dansk Hundedommer förening. Han blev domare 1970 och dömer 118 raser. |
Östlund-Holmsten Maritha
I mitt liv har det alltid funnits hundar. Jag växte upp med familjens jakthundar och en egen liten vit dvärgpudel, men visste tidigt att boxer var ”min” ras. Första boxern kom in i mitt liv då jag var 16 år gammal och kom att prägla mitt framtida liv för alltid.
Jag föder sedan 1976 upp boxer tillsammans med min man, under prefixet Teamwork. Vi är båda aktiva med egna och/eller uppfödningens hundar, inom såväl utställning som övrig provverksamhet och domare båda två – jag exteriördomare och maken mentaltest- och bruksprovsdomare. Hundintresset har lett till ett mycket aktivt föreningsliv. Sedan tonåren har jag varit engagerad i SBK,s rasklubbar och den verksamheten betyder fortfarande mycket för mig.
Jag har verkat i Svenska Brukshundklubbens Förbundsstyrelse (SBK/FS) under 11 år och var med när den nya organisationsmodellen sjösattes. Jag fick uppdraget att starta Utskottet Avel och Hälsa och var dess ordförande till för 3 år sedan, då jag lämnade FS.
Sedan 2013 ingår jag i Svenska Kennelklubbens centralstyrelse och leder där kommittén för hundars mentalitet. Jag har varit auktoriserad exteriördomare sedan 1998, dömde från början endast boxer.
Nu, 16 år senare, är jag klar med min utbildning till grupp 2 allrounder. Jag dömer även alla brukshundarna i grupp 1 och har påbörjat utbildning av resterande raser i den gruppen, samt även Fransk Bulldogg, Bostonterrier och Tibetansk Spaniel i grupp 9. Domaruppdraget är inte bara ett viktigt och angeläget kynologiskt uppdrag inom hundverksamheten, det är också fantastiskt stimulerande och man slutar aldrig utvecklas inom den, tycker jag.Jag ser fram emot att komma till Sundsvall i oktober.

Maritha Östlund-Holmsten
Kommer från brukshundsvärlden och har alltid varit känd för sin hängivenhet för boxer som hon fött upp sedan 1976 under prefixet Teamwork. Många vinster har det blivit under åren i utställningsringen och på apellplanen. Gick domarkursen 1997. Dömer idag hela grupp 2 och nästan alla i grupp 1. Håller hela tiden på att utbilda sig på nya raser. Kallar sig själv vetgirig. Vill hela tiden lära sig mer. Boxer har Maritha dömt i 22 olika länder. Det finaste man kan döma som boxerdomare är ATIBOX och där har Maritha dömt tre gånger.
Maritha Östlund-Holmsten, Sweden
Dogs have always been an important part of my life. My family had hunting dogs when I was a child, and my first own dog was a white Miniature Poodle. I knew however early on that the Boxer would be my breed of choice. I got my first Boxer when I was 16. Unfortunately, he passed away at young age. For me, this was the starting point of insight, curiosity, and life-long learning. I connected with the “right” people, who guided me in the dog world in general and especially in the Boxer world. My first litter was born in 1976. The dam was daughter of a Swedish elite dog, Ch Wedge Hollow´s Sam´s Son. I also met my husband through our interest in dogs. He had two Boxer males, both competing in the highest class in tracking and search. My husband is a judge for Working Trials and Mental Tests, which means that together, we have a quite broad knowledge of dogs. Our prefix is Teamwork and we have bred Boxers only. I’m proud for being able to say that all our litters have had champions and/or dogs competing in the highest class in Working Trials. Last year, we had a dog that won the title of Working Boxer of the Year. This dog is grandchild of our famous Teamwork Simsalabim. Today we have bitches representing our old lines as well as one bitch imported from Russia. I become a judge for Boxers in 1997 and officiated for the first time in 1998. For a judge in the Nordic countries it is however not enough to be licensed for just one breed. I understood this quite fast and soon I was licensed to judge all working dog breeds. Today, I am licensed to judge all breeds in groups 1, 2, 8, and 9. For me, it is very rewarding to get to see the work done by breeders of other breeds. And when it is my own breed in question, being in the audience is something I do almost as gladly, observing especially puppies and young dogs. It is extremely interesting to see which parents a dog has, see the type of lines I often know very well as well as to follow the development of the breed. I have been active in clubs since the age of 16: both in the Boxer club, which I am still an active member of, and in the Swedish Working Dog Association. I was a Board member of the latter and founded the association’s Health and Breeding Committee. Today, I am a Board member of the Swedish Kennel Club and Chair of its Mental Committee.

Kennelnamn |
Teamwork |
Hemsida | |
Född år |
1954 |
Yrke |
Försäkringsrådgivare |
Auktoriserad exteriördomare år |
1998 |
Dömer följande raser |
2 |
Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs |
1 |
Australian Cattle Dog |
1 |
Australian Kelpie |
1 |
Australian Shepherd |
1 |
Bearded Collie |
1 |
Belgian Shepherd Dog, Groenendael |
1 |
Belgian shepherd dog, Laekenois |
1 |
Belgian shepherd dog, Malinois |
1 |
Belgian shepherd dog, Tervueren |
1 |
Berger de Beauce |
1 |
Bobtail |
1 |
Bouvier des Flandres |
1 |
Briard |
1 |
Catalan sheepdog |
1 |
Chodsky Pes |
1 |
Collie Rough |
1 |
Collie Smooth |
1 |
Dutch Schapendoes |
1 |
Dutch shepherd dog, Long-haired |
1 |
Dutch shepherd dog, Rough-haired |
1 |
Dutch shepherd dog, Short-haired |
1 |
German shepherd dog, Double coat |
1 |
German shepherd dog, Long and harsch outer coat |
1 |
Picardy Sheepdog |
1 |
Polish lowland sheepdog |
1 |
Puli |
1 |
Pumi |
1 |
Pyrenean sheepdog, Long-haired |
1 |
Pyrenean sheepdog, Smooth faced |
1 |
Schipperke |
1 |
Shetland Sheepdog |
1 |
Welsh Corgi Cardigan |
1 |
Welsh Corgi Pembroke |
1 |
White Swiss shepherd dog |
6 |
Dalmatian |
153 |
6 |
Rhodesian Ridgeback |
146 |
8 |
American Cocker Spaniel |
167 |
8 |
Clumber Spaniel |
109 |
8 |
Curly Coated Retriever |
110 |
8 |
English Cocker Spaniel |
5 |
8 |
English Springer Spaniel |
125 |
8 |
Field Spaniel |
123 |
8 |
Flat coated retriever |
121 |
8 |
Golden Retriever |
111 |
8 |
Labrador Retriever |
122 |
8 |
Nova Scotia duck tolling Retriever |
312 |
8 |
Portuguese water dog (Cão de agua português) |
37 |
8 |
Spanish Waterdog |
336 |
8 |
Welsh springer spaniel |
126 |
9 |
Boston Terrier |
140 |
9 |
Chihuahua, Long-haired |
218 |
9 |
Chihuahua, Smooth-haired |
218 |
9 |
French Bulldog |
101 |
9 |
Griffon belge |
81 |
9 |
Griffon bruxellois |
80 |
9 |
Japanese Chin |
206 |
9 |
Lhasa Apso |
227 |
9 |
Petit Brabançon |
82 |
9 |
Pug |
253 |
9 |
Shih Tzu |
208 |
9 |
Tibetan Spaniel |
231 |
Har haft hund sedan |
1972 |
Egna raser |
– |
Språkkunskaper |
Engelska |
Har dömt i följande länder |
Nya Zeeland
ATIBOX i Holland 2004, 2010
Irland |
Har/har haft uppfödning av följande raser |
Boxer |
Har/har haft avelshundar av följande raser |
Boxer |
Egna framgångsrika hundar |
CH Korad SPH II Teamwork Caledonian Man
CH Qalehero’s Jasmin
Marikarlos Peculiar Man BIR (ja, han hette så. Elithund i rapport)
SPH I Boxzent’s Happy Result of Teamwork
TJH, SUCH Korad SPH I TJH Engelaiz Abrakadabra at Teamwork
Korad SPH II Teamwork Nefertite
SUCH, KORAD Teamwork Simsalabim (Top Boxer 2008, 2010 o har bl.a. även vunnit Boxer-SM 3 gånger)
KORAD Teamwork Triple-X |
Övriga intressen |
Djur o natur, konst t.ex |
The story of Dr. Ümit Özkanal with dogs started in 1983 when he got his first English pointer at the age of 13. Since then, his interest in dogs has increased very fast. In 2000, he got another gun dog, an English setter bitch whose mother and father having pedigree papers from the EKC and the idea of founding a kennel club in Turkey came to his mind. He, with some other dog lovers, started the ways of founding a club and in 2005 he contacted to the FCI to learn and start the journey. As a result of these efforts, Köpek Irkları ve Kinoloji Federasyonu (KIF) was founded with five breed clubs in September 2006.
Dr. Ümit Özkanal, as one of the founders of the club, has been working for the club and the local breeds of Turkey since the beginning. Now he is the President of the KIF and and all around judge for CAC shows and international judge for groups 1-2-4-6-7-8 and Yokshire Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier from group 3. . He is also a judge for British and Continental dogs working trials (CACIT)