Mitt intresse för hundutställningar började redan i början av 1960-talet då jag som tonåring började ställa ut vår pembrokecorgi på bl.a SSD:s (Specialklubben för Sällskaps- och Dvärghundar) utställningar. Numera dömer jag ett tiotal forna SSD-raser samt pudel och jag har ägt och/eller fött upp champions inom tre pudelstorlekar, kh. chihuahua, kh.dvärgtax, norfolkterrier och welsh corgi pembroke.Tibetansk spaniel tillhörde också SSD tidigare och eftersom jag var allätare när det gällde hundar och olika hundraser, och dessutom utbildade mig till ringsekreterare, kunde jag naturligtvis inte undgå att se tibbar i alla möjliga former och färger under årens lopp. Intresset för tibetansk spaniel väcktes på större allvar först i början av 1970-talet då jag fick en aha-upplevelse av den ljuvliga Ch Lässebackens Afrodite.Det dröjde dock fram till 1990-talet innan det kom in en tibbe i familjen. Då blev min 11-årige son av en slump ägare till en ung Nalinatik (e Ch Karika of Zlazano u Ch Nalinas Baby Devine) som visade prov på alla tibbens olika fascinerande karaktärer.Ungefär samtidigt medverkade jag bl.a. med en del foton och teckningar till SSTS raskompendium för en domarkonferens och i samma veva blev jag också auktoriserad som domare för tibetansk spaniel.Jag har tidigare bl.a dömt på två av Tibbeklubbens rasspecialer, en officiell och en inofficiell, men detta blir första gången jag får möjlighet att träffa och döma tibbar i södra Sverige. Hoppas vi ses i Höganäs! |
Vanaken Jean-François (BE)
![]() I was a child when i did my first show in 1975. I bred under Super Super kennel name, and produce many champions over the world, poodles, malteses and yorkshires terriers .
van Bavel van Bokhoven Winny Winny grew up in a family where animals were very important. But because she was afraid of dogs, her father bought her one. In 1956, the first poodle, a black standard, joined the family and in 1958 the first white dwarf poodles arrived. That was the beginning of “van de Molenvliet” kennels that she later inherited from her parents. She and her poodles went to dogshows inland and abroad and with quite some success, as they won many championship titles. One of the major achievements was with “White Margie van de Molenvliet” with whom she in Vienna won the first F.C.I worldchampionship title given to a toypoodle. In this dogshow “Margie” also received B.O.B. Already from the beginning, she enjoyed taking care for the poodles and her parents involved her in everthing concerning the kennel. As she grew older, her interest for cynology increased and with all her experiences she obtained running the kennel it was a logical step to becoming a judge. During her education to becoming a judge she got in close contact with Mw. M. Visser Seltenrijch from the association “het Nederlands Kooikerhondje” . Mw. M. Visser Seltenrijch noticed the fascination of Winny for this breed and asked her to edit and automate the cynological archive. This only raised her interest for this breed even more and in 1987 she grabbed the oppurtunity to take part in the exam for judge for “het Nederlands Kooikerhondje”. By the Dutch Kennelclub she was designated judge for “het Nederlandse Kooikerhondje” and later also for Poodles. She judged Kooikerhondjes many times on championship clubshows, C.A.C and C.A.C.I.B. shows in the Netherlands and Belgium and poodles in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Russia and the Ukrain.. She is looking forward to judge poodles again and also to become the expierence of the qualitie of her national breed in Sweden. Besides that, she is also a judge for donkeys. |
Van Brempt Monique Since her childhood Monique Van Brempt fancied and was surrounded by her loving dogs: Belgian Shepherds, Dachshunds, German Shepherds and Rough Collies. Monique started seriously breeding and showing the Scottish Terriers in 1973. Later the Dandie Dinmont Terriers joined the doggie-family. Under her kennel name ”Limecourt” Monique registered and bred many high quality offsprings who were later on entitled with European, National, International and World Champion titles and also winning the groups and several prestigious Best in Shows.As an active member in many Clubs Monique was the Chairman of ”THE ROYAL BELGIAN TERRIER CLUB” since 1987, where she was Vice-Chairman since 1983. In 1998 Monique became President of the ”INTERRA – The International Association of All Terrier-Clubs (FCI)”. In this association Monique organizes symposiums about the Terrier breeds and she is involved with various activities. So far 19 countries are members of ”The International Association of All Terrier-Clubs (FCI)”.Mrs. Monique Van Brempt’s judging career started in 1980 and since then she is judging worldwide and until now her judging appointements took her to 34 different countries on the 6 continents. She is an Allround-Judge FCI.Besides being asked frequently for all breeds judging appointments at the National and International dog shows all over the world, she had a privilege of judging some of the world´s most prestigious shows like at World Dog shows in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002 , 2006, 2008 and 2009! She judged at many European Shows and all the European and East European countries. She also judged at the Champion of Champions contests in England, Finland, Sweden, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland and Russia.She is regularly invited from the Russian Kennel Club judging 3 times the biggest Eurasia show, 12 shows in Saint Petersburg and several other shows in Russia. Many of her appointements are taking her often to the 4 Scandinavian countries. Talking about the other end of the globe, she enjoyed judging in the USA – Malibu, the Australian Melbourne Royal show, also in Brisbane and had beautiful dog-experiences in Thailand, Japan, Korea, China-Mongolia, Columbia, Chile ,Kenya, Vietnam and India.Monique Van Brempt’s passion and devotion for dogdom keeps her very busy… and to explain it all by her own statement… ” I LOVE DOGS ”Monique van Brempt, BelgienRedan som liten var Monique intresserad och omgiven av hundar som Schäfer, Tax, Belgisk allhund. Hon började på allvar föda upp och visa hundar 1973. Det var Skotsk Terrier, senare anslöt sig Dandie Dinmont Terrier.Under sitt kennelnamn LIMECOURT har det fötts upp många champions och BIS-vinnare. Mrs Monique har varit auktoriserad domare sedan 1980 och har sedan dess dömt i 26 olika länder på tre kontinenter. Hon dömer bl.a. hela grupp 3.Hon är ordförande i Royal Belgian Terrierclub, och aktiv i många andra klubbar.1998 blev hon vald till ordförande för Interra (International Assosiation of all Terrier clubs) Där hon bl.a. ordnar föreläsningar om terrieruppfödning m.m.Mrs Moniques passion och hängivenhet för hundar håller henne ständigt sysselsatt. För att förklara med hennes egna ord……. ”I LOVE DOGS”Monique van Brempt (BE) ![]() Before the Scottish and Dandie Dinmont Terriers came, Monique Van Brempt, since her childhood, was fancied and surrounded by her loving dogs: Belgian Shepherds, Dachshunds, German Shepherds and Rough Collies.Monique started seriously breeding and showing the Scottish Terriers in 1973. Later the Dandie Dinmont Terriers joined the doggie-family. Under her kennel name ”Limecourt” Monique registered and bred many high quality offsprings Scottish and Dandie Dinmont Terriers, who were later on entitled with European, National, International and World Champion titles and also winning the groups and several prestigious Best in Shows. Mrs. Monique Van Brempt’s judging career started in 1980 and since then she is judging worldwide and until now her judging appointements took her to 69 different countries on the 6 continents. In one year there are going many dogs through her hands. Besides being asked frequently for all breeds judging appointments at the National and International dog shows “ all “ over the world, she had a privilege of judging some of the world´s most prestigious shows like at “World Dog shows” in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009,2010, 2011, 2012, and also was judging at the World dogshow 2013 in Budapest! Her next appointment will be the W D S 2016 in Russia. She judged at many big “European Shows “ and all the European and East European countries. She also judged at the Champion of Champions contests in “ England “, “ Finland “, “ Sweden “, “Portugal”, “Ireland “, “Belgium “, “ Switzerland “ and 3 times “ Golden Collar CH.of CH. In Russia”. Recent She was judging “ CH. Of CH. in Australia “ – Brisbane,She is regularly invited from the Russian Kennel Club judging many times at the biggest Eurasia show, 12 shows in Saint Petersburg and several other shows allover Russia, Siberia and Ukraine. Beside many judgement in Israel and Cruft’s – England, many of her appointments are taking her often to the 4 different Scandinavian countries Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. Talking about the other end of the globe, she enjoyed judging in the USA – Malibu, the Australian Melbourne Royal show, also in Brisbane,Sydney,Canada, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka and had beautiful dog-experiences in Thailand, Japan, Korea, China, Argentina, The Azores, Mongolia, Columbia, Chile, Kenya, Taiwan, Vietnam,Singapore, India, Philippines,South Africa,etc. As an active member in many Clubs Monique was the Chairman of ”THE ROYAL BELGIAN TERRIER CLUB” since 1987, where she was Vice-Chairman since 1983. Among her tasks as being Show-manager of many successful Belgian Top Terrier shows, Monique was also many years in charge of the redaction of the Club´s Magazine. Se created the Scottish Terrier club of Belgium. In 1998 Monique became President of : ”INTERRA – International and world Association of All Terrier-Clubs (FCI)”. In this association Monique organizes symposiums about the Terrier breeds and she is involved with various activities. So far 23 countries are members of ”The International Association of All Terrier-Clubs (FCI)”. With her team she created the Asian Interra section and the Interra section of the Americans. Monique Van Brempt’s passion and devotion for dogdom keeps her very busy… and to explain it all by her own statement… I enjoy judging dogs, Dogs love me, and… ” I LOVE DOGS ”
van den Broek André (NL)![]() I’m already involved in dogs since 1968 when I started my dog carreer with a whippet. Due to the fact that I wanted to explore my interest in dogs I succeeded to become a judge for Whippets in 1981. During that time my attention was drawn to the pharaohound and in 1982. I bred my first litter with the affix: “Of the Netherlands”. In this breed I have been very successful; breeding BIS and BIG-winners and exported to several countries including USA. I also got involved with borzois in handling, co-owning and co-breeding with lots of success in the past (“Gustopsowaya’s” borzois and a long time ago “Van Borjoschka” borzois). At the moment with “Modnyabistru” borzois. My interest resulted in expanding my judging-license more and in the year 2000 I became a group-judge for sighthounds. I have been judging in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slowakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tsjechie, USA and of course Holland. This judging includes several specialties (for my two own breeds the Dutch, Russian, French, Finnish, Belgian, Italian and Polish Borzoi specialty and the Swedish, Finnish, English and Bulgarian Pharaohound specialty). Also I have judged several times the clubshow from the Dutch Dachshund Club, the Dutch Schnauzer Club including the ISPU show in Holland, two times the Great Dane of the Year show and I have judged at the European- and Worlddogshow.Besides sighthounds and the Mediterranean breeds from FCI-group-5 I’m also a judge now for Pinschers and Schnauzers, Dachshunds and Great Danes. All breeds in which I’m really interested.
Van Der Berg Hans, Nederländerna När jag låg i min vagga stod Popov, en skotsk terrier, vakt. Det är därför inte så konstigt att just den rasen har spelat en betydande roll i mitt liv. Fick min första Skotte champion vid 18 års ålder och födde senare upp flera champions under kennel namnet Rymore.Runt 1970 introducerade jag min första Norfolk på utställningar. Engelska importen Ch Nanfan Nova och Ch Ragus Brown Herb var verkliga representanter för den rasen. Jag visade ibland även Chihuahua.Jag började döma 1978 och har sedan dess dömt i de flesta europeiska städer, Nord- och Syd Amerika, New Zealand, Australien, Asien och Kanadavan den Berg Hans When I was born, Popov, a scottish terrier, stood guard at my cradle and so it’s hardly surprising that that breed should have played an important role in my life. In 1961 we went with our first ”show”scottie to the clubshow of the the Dutch Scottish Terrier Club and Dumbarton Duskie won het first cc. In 1962 she became the first champion we had. Later on we bred many scottie champions under the Rymore prefix.Judging started in 1976 and I have been to most of the European countries, many Asian and South American countries, to Canada, USA, New Zealand and Australia. At the moment I am judging allmost every weekend.Of course there are many ”highlights”: I judged at 10 world shows and a lot of European shows; did twice BIS at the Amsterdam Winner Show, judged at Crufts and I am qualified to judge all groups and BIS in England. Holland has a long history in dog breeding and showing and it was a great honour for me being asked to judge BIS at the European winner show in Holland just one week before I am judging in Barnaul. I have been judging in Sweden many, many times and I allways like the professional way of organising your shows.It is quite a long time ago I judging in Stockholm and I am very happy with the breeds I am doing in December. |
van Iersel Marijn (NL)
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van der Horst Theo (NL)
![]() Group Judge 3 (Terriers). English Bulldog, Bullmastiff and Mopshond.
Born in 1947 in Amsterdam. Our first dogs were English Bulldogs. These dogs motivated me to deepen my understanding of cynology. My father always said, ”What a good for men, is also good for my dog”. Just wanted to know if he was right, I was looking for a course that gave me the right answers. At the end of the 70’s at the KC West Friesland, the AKK (General Cynological knowledge) course followed successively afterwards, followed by the E & B (exterior and movement) course. In the E & B course, I was very attracted to a Border Terrier, a real ”nature” breed, compared to the Bull. Then I went deeper into the Terriers which resulted in steeling my heart. Character, construction and variety are the points I can think of. I find my first love “the Bulldog”, back in ”Bull types Terriers” in section 3, their big ego in section 2, the ”Small-sized Terriers” and build and character with a very large personality in section 1 ”Large and Medium-sized Terriers ”and finally” their tenderness in section 4 ”Toy Terriers.” Do realize that they are all ”true terriers”, but that does not mean they should be brutal, but have a good set of brains and policy to do the ”dangerous” work. Since 2014, I have been chairmen of ”the VKK” the Association of Cynological Judges in the Netherlands. |
van Luijk-Grevelink Annemieke (NL)![]() Judge and veterinarian. Growing up between animals including dogs started my cynological career. Passed the examn for the Golden Retriever and Labrador Retrievers in 1975. Then quickly followed by the qualification to judge the Flatcoated, Curly coated Retriever and the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Between 1992 and 1993, followed by the Nova Scotia duck tolling Retriever, The Welsh corgi Pembroke and Cardigan and the Våttgotaspets. In 1965 I got my first Golden Retriever, a breed that I have had for over 40 years, and I showed, trained in hunting and “picker up”. Which led to became the second International Champion of the breed in the Netherlands. About twenty years board member of the GRCN (Golden Retriever Club Netherlands) with activities in the Hunting- and Breeding Advisory Board. In addition, I also worked for 10 years as a practice counselor and examiner in the E and B old style. Which is rewarded the Golden pin of the Dutch Kennel Club “Raad van Beheer” and the Erespeld (pin of honour) as a member of the GRCN. For about 10 years I owned some Welsh corgi Pembrokes that bred a litter. And now I’ve been the lucky owner of the Curly Coated Retriever for sixteen years. A breed that I also showed, worked with and bred a litter. For several years, I have been appointed chairman of the CCRCN breed club. My qualification as a judge of the various breeds have brought me to many countries in Europe such as Belgium, Germany, England, France, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Switzerland. All these valuable contacts with lovers nationally and internationally of the pure bred dogs have greatly enhanced my cynological insight and strengthens the value that I attach to a good and healthy bred pedigree dogs with the right character.
Van Mechelen-Reiniers Rita, Belgien Uppfödare av afghanhund under kennelnamnet El Rachman. Auktoriserad domare sedan 1980 och har dömt i de flesta länder i Europa samt på Afghanspecial i USA. Dömer hela grupp 4, 5, 7, 8 och 10 samt ett stort antal raser ur alla de övriga grupperna. Blev domare 1980. Tidigare uppfödare av afghan under prefixet El Rachman. Dömt över hela världen. |
Van Montfort Peter Fifty-two years ago I bought my first Great Dane a yellow female with which I bred my first litter. I have been raised with dogs (boxers and bulldogs) because my parents had already dogs. They had a very well know kennel.I myself have bred in 54 years a lot of Great Danes under the name of “Von Haus vom Steraldted” mostly yellow and brindle, and at this moment only black and harlequin.My dogs became Dutch, Belgium, France, German, International, European Champion and I have bred a World Champion.I have been President of the Dutch Molosserclub (25 years), of the NDDC, the Dalmation club, American Cocker club, Nederlandse Welsh Corgi Club and the Welsh Cardigan Club Nederland.In 1982 I was getting my judging licenses for the Leonberger and my second breed was the Great Dane. I am at this moment FCI group II judge and judge for some breeds in group IX (Pug, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, King Charles Spaniel, Boston Terrier), in group I the Welsh Corgi Cardigan and in group V the American Akita.Throughout the years I have judged many specialties of several breeds all over Europe, America, Canada and Indonesia. I also have judged World dog shows, European Dog Shows, Bundessiegers, Europasiegers and also Best in Group II. |
van Raamsdonk-Blatter Chantal (BE) ) Chantal van Raamsdonk-Blatter, Belgium
Van Raamsdonk Dimitry From the day I was born I came in contact with dogs and French bulldogs in particular. One can say I was “infected” by the “Frenchie virus”. During my childhood years I have followed my parents during long travels to the numerous dogs shows throughout the world. I was fortunate to spend “quality time” with some of the greatest pioneers, breeders owners of many breeds. I spent many years of my childhood in Germany and UK among people who had different other breeds besides their French bulldogs. Since “junior handling” did not really exist I “showed” dogs during the so called “Junior fancy dress show” where you had to “dress up” in a personality which had some kind of connection with the breed or its origin. Later on I chose to stay at home and care for the dogs while my parents were away traveling, showing or judging. I loved to work with my four legged friends: taking care of them and simply be there for them and to play and train. They were always great company and good fun to be around with. A bit later I also started to show interest in showing dogs and I guess the rest is “history”. Fairly young I travelled all over the globe and I enjoyed every minute of it. I especially enjoy the bond you build with the dog(s). I love the challenge to try and get a super connection with a dog in order to get that “click”. This makes it able to achieve great results together. I showed many French bulldogs of which some are very well known in the French bulldog scene worldwide. Finally I wanted to follow my parents footsteps and I decided I also wanted to become a judge of my own breed and all other breeds which have my unconditional interest. For me it is of paramount importance that dogs will stay our sound, healthy and happy companions. Now and in the future! Of course I also enjoy the Dog Show Club life and currently I am in several functions: I am extremely proud of what I have received so far and look forward that I can keep developing myself as breeder, owner, and judge in order to serve our beloved breeds even better in the near future. Dimitry van Raamsdonk, Belgium
van Raamsdonk Victor (BE) ![]() Since 1972 we breed French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs and Bull Mastiffs under the “ De la Parure “ affix. During these four decades we have exported our French Bulldogs World wide and our kennel is now represented in 69 countries. With numerous national, international and 28 FCI World champions and 3 Crufts Winners as result. I am FCI Judge for Group 2 and Group 9 and I am qualified to Judge several breeds in Group 3 and I am qualified to judge BIS . I have judged on all continents and judged at 5 FCI World dog shows and 3 European Dog Shows and Crufts. I have been committe member and president of the Dutch French bulldog club for 20 years. Currently I am President again of The French Bulldog Club of Holland and of the Dutch Boston Terrier Club, the Outdoor Uden and Meierij FCI CACIB dog shows, and the Molloser Show. Furthermore I am president of the Group 2 section . My wife and are I are decorated honoury member of the Dutch French bulldog club and Austrian French Bulldog Club. Furthermore we are decorated with the “golden pin” for the membership of the German French bulldog club. From the Dutch kennel club we received the “golden pin” as recognition and appreciation for our work as pioneers in the French bulldog breed. |
van Ruiten-Hajnová Gabi (CZ)![]() I was born in the mid-sixties in the former Czechoslovakia. Married to a Dutch man, I’m living now in both Czech Republic and the Netherlands. In my daily life I’m a physician, specialized in geriatric medicine with focus on dementia care. Ever since my childhood I have been a great animal lover and dogs and horses have always been my particular favourites. My first dog was a Slovensky cuvac without a pedigree but with a pretty name, Rex. With him I took the first steps into the world of dogs, that is why my kennel name is Garex. In 1981 I got my first pedigree dog: a Briard male. With him I did working training, tests and competitions, but from then on I also started to attend the dogshows either as an exhibitor and as a steward. During my time with Briards, another breed came into my life: the Black Russian Terrier. My life with shortlegged terriers started in 1989 with a Scottish Terrier bitch. But my beloved breed turned out to be the Cesky Terrier, the national terrier breed of Czech Republic. After a long wait for a suitable puppy, in 1995 the first Cesky Terrier came to our home and since then this is the only breed at the Garex kennels. At this moment I am a member of the breeding advisory committee of the parent club of Cesky Terrier and also one of the few breed specialists worldwide. In 1990 I bred my first litter useing the kennel name Garex. My breeding activities are not large, but the show results of my (home-bred) dogs are to be proud of: including several European and World champions, successes on for example Crufts and Best in Show titles. As breeder my aim is to breed healthy, sound dogs, with good temperament and movement, who are not only good in the show ring or make superb pets but can compete in several sporting activities. In the early nineties I started in the Czech Republic my show judge training. Because of my move to the Netherlands I had to interrupt my training, but I continued this later in the Netherlands and became a FCI-judge in 2005. In 2015 my judge registration is moved back to Czech Republic. Now I am international FCI-judge in the following breeds: Airedale Terrier, Australian Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Cesky Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Japanese Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Skye Terrier, Welsh Terrier and West Highland White Terrier. I hope to add more Terrier breeds to my list in the future. Besides the pedigree dogs my hobbies are horses (I am the happy owner of a mini horse and a Welsh pony) and gardening. |
Van Soelen Peter Nederländerna Uppfödare av engelsk cocker spaniel i liten skala sedan många år. Auktoriserad på ett fåtal spaniel raser. Dömt vid flertaler rasspecialer över Europa, senast en cocker spaniel special i Italien 2008. Dömer för första gången i Sverige |
van Veen-Keur Roel (NL) Judge since 1981. Besides the Netherlands judged in 12 European counties. My first breed was the Rough Collie. After that the Border Collie and the Barsoi the last 20 years. I have been president over various breed clubs and honoury member of Zwolle K.C., Border Collie Club, SHV (Collie Club) and the Gos d’Atura Català Club Netherlands and honoured with the golden pin of the Dutch Kennel Club „Raad van Beheer“.
Founder of the K.C. Zwille, co-founder of the Border Collie Club Nederland, president of the Dog Show Zwolle, president of the Joe Kat Show and president of the SHV the Collie Club. |
Varlet Marie-France, France
Pyrenean Mountain Dog breeder since 1987, and also owner of Boxer and Saint Bernard, breed’s name Domaine de L’ Étoile. Owner and breeder of several champions. Was president of the Portuguese Newfoundland Club, vice president of the Portuguese Great Dane Club and of the Portuguese Saint Bernard Club, President of the Boxer Club and member of the Portuguese KB Breeding committee. FCI International judge since 1996 of Group 2 and Group 10. Has judged in all countries in Europe as well as USA and Australia. Vasco Pocas Joao ![]() FCI All breeds Judge since 1985 Judging in North, Central and Souith America Iceland, Italy, Spain, Japan, Australia, New Zeland, Rusia, Germany, Holland, Finland, Mexican Kennel Club President FCI Americas and Caribeean Section President |
Vasiljevic Ivan, Serbia
vd Bult Slooijer Marianne, Holland Marianne fick sin första pudel vid 7 års ålder. Redan från början var det viktigt att en pudel skall se ut som och uppföra sig som en pudel och trivas med livet tillsammans med sin ägare. Marianne har haft och arbetat med flera dobermann och har en svart storpudelhane med flera championtitlar men har inte fött upp någondera. Marianne har kennelnamnet Special Attraction tillsammans med maken Jan och de har fött upp mellan, dvärg och toypudel, i första hand svarta men även en del vita. Hundarna lever med familjen i hemmiljö. Numera koncentrerar de sig på dvärgstorleken. My first Poodle came into my life in 1962. It was a 21 month old black Miniature bitch named Arlette vom Küstershof. At that time I only wanted to breed her just once and keep a bitch out of this litter. That`s how I started. This bitch was registered under the name Ariane vom Kastanieneck. She was the foundation bitch of my Kennel vom Kastanieneck, which is protected by the FCI since 1963. September 1965 was the first year, that the German Poodle Club ( DPK) held a Winners Show . Ariane vom Kastanieneck, my black Miniature bitch, became the prestigious title DPK Winner 1965. Since 1981 I am a Poodle Judge . I enjoy judging, not only in Germany, also in foreign countries. Over the years more than 50 Poodles out of my breeding were and are successfully in the showring. Many of my own Poodles are World Winners, Bundes Winners, Europe Winners, International Champions and National Champions like German, Dutch, Swiss, Luxemburg, French, Belgium and so on. Two littermates are World Winners. One in 2002 and the other one in 2003. Time is flying and it is now almost 50 years, since I belong to the German Poodle Club ( DPK). I only raise one or two litters per year. My goal is to breed healthy, black Miniature Poodles with a great temperament. Since today Poodles are my hobby and I hope they will be for many many more years. |
Veiga Maria Gabriela (PT) ![]() I was ”in” dogs all my life, but started showing my own Basset Hounds in 1980. In the mid 80’s I acquired my first Whippets and with these I started my own kennel name with the prefix ”Pizons”. Later on, I also owned Italian Greyhound, Greyhound, one Borzoi and several Chihuahuas. I became a judge in 1999, starting, of course, with Group 10. Having lived many many years with my husband’s Portuguese Podengos, I finally capitulated and fell in love with the Pequeno smooth variety. I started breeding this variety under my own kennel name in 2005. I have been involved in several breed clubs, and I was a member of the Show Comitee of the Portuguese Kennel Club for many years. Nowadays I belong to the Technical Comitee of the Portuguese Podengo Club, and in this capacity, I have held seminars for judges in several countries. I have also judged in many countries and continents but it is a great honour to be invited to judge at the World Dog Show 2018 organized by the Dutch Kennel Club. |
I’m breeding with my prefix from 1977… CHELINES I bought my first Wire Fox Terrier when I was 12 years old in the year 1972, six years later I imported my first Lakeland, American champion and then Airedales and several Terrier breeds with big success. In the year 1984 I started with the Miniature Schnauzers…. Today I’m breeding and showing Wire & Smooth Fox Terriers, Lakelands and Miniature Schnauzers making countless number of champions and world champions all over the world. I’m international show judge from 1993, judging in nearly all European countries but I’m more concentrated in breeding and showing (that is my life passions…) |
Velez Pico Roberto (PR) ![]() Roberto has been active in the dog world for more than 4 decades, becoming a judge of all races of the Canófila Federation of Puerto Rico, a federated member of the FCI, in 1985. He currently occupies several official positions, which includes to be the Executive Director of the Canófila Federation of Puerto Rico and member of the Commission of Judges and Exhibitions of the FCI. He was the official host of the FCI to the World Exhibition of Mexico in 1999 and 2007 and in the section exhibitions of the Americas and the Caribbean of Peru 2002, Costa Rica 2004, 2014 and Colombia 2006. Innumerable allocations to judge internationally, have taken him around the world, judging in many countries that include world expositions in Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Germany, Poland, France, Austria, Finland and Italy. He has enjoyed other distinguished assignments in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, Russia, Spain, Gibraltar, France, Slovakia, Chile, Venezuela, Guatemala, Argentina, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Croatia, Slovenia, Iceland, New Zealand, Turkey, Cyprus, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, India, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, among others. Before concentrating his time on his assignments as Judge and official role, he was an accomplished breeder and exhibitor. Roberto obtained championship status and was highly known for the numerous Afghans he bred and exhibited under the prefix ”RADESA”. Over the years, he has also bred and exhibited with high achievements Berger de Brie, Whippets, Scottish Terrier, and Lakeland Terrier. In his daily work as Director of Image Finance Optima, an advertising and public relations agency in Puerto Rico, Roberto makes deals with high profile clients. |
Velikov Bozhidar – 2013
Bozhidar Velikov, Bulgarien Internationell domare, FCI-certifierad för raser inom Grupp 2. International judge for FCI group ІІ all breeds (and Boston terrier). ”Great show today, 72 boxers of very good quality! Enjoyed the hospitality of new boxer friends in Sweden!” /B.Velikov, Facebook. |
Vella Harry, Malta Hundraser som han föder/fött upp under årens lopp är cavalier king charles spaniel, fransk bulldog och welsh terrier. Han har även haft tysk kleinspets, cocker spaniel och dvärgpudel. Aktiv handler för bl a collie, engelsk bulldog, grand danois, boxer, tax, pudlar, beagle, whippet, pointer, amerikansk cocker spaniel, afghan, labrador retriver, shetland sheepdog, akita, berner sennenhund samt japanese chin. Dömer ofta ute på utställningar runt om i Europa, ofta på Irland samt i England. Dömer för första gången i Sverige. Harry Vella, Malta Lärare till yrket. Uppfödare av amerikansk cocker spaniel, pudel, fransk bulldogg och pudel |
Myriam Vermeire (BE)![]() In 1997 I became a judge for Belgian shepherds. I’ve bred Groenendaals under the kennelname ‘La Poumyroffe’ but now I don’t breed anymore. I don’t have the time because I’m judging a lot abroad. At this moment I have 3 dogs at home : a smooth Griffon Havana of Baluchistan (Belgian champion) and 2 Tervurens : Multi Ch. Grimmendans Iroquoi who became World champion in Salzburg and a young male Grimmendans Nvictus. I also co-own a Groenendaal female Multi Ch, Nepal de Bruine Buck who won Crufts in 2015 and a Tervuren male Grimmendans Lavignac who won the World show in Milan. I have already judged in most European countries, Israel, USA, Argentina and Australia. Beside groups 1, 2, 5 and 10 I’m qualified for a lot of breeds in group 9, for the Rhodesian Ridgeback and Dalmatian in group 6 and some breeds in group 3. I’m the general secretary of the “Lokerse Winner”, a show for FCI-groups 1 and 2, I’m the president of section 4A, vice-president of the Belgian Club for Griffons, Papillons and Phalènes and I’m a committee member of the Belgian Kennel Club and of the Judges’ Qualification Committee. Beside this I’m responsible for the ring stewards at some Belgian shows, the European Dog Show held in Brussels in 2016 included. I would like to thank the Dutch Kennel Club for the kind invitation! I wish them a lot of success and I’m sure that it will be a great organization! It’s really a big honor to judge at this World Dog Show! |
Vidal Montero Jose, Spanien Allround domare med ursprung från golden retriver. |
Viirtelä Tarmo, Finland Haft hundar sedan 16 års ålder då han fick sin första airedaleterrier. Har under årens lopp fött upp airedaleterrier, welsh, bedlington, strävhårig och släthårig foxterrier, kerry blue, parson, cairnterrier samt mellanpudel under prefixet Nutlee. Blev domare 1980. Har dömt i de flesta av Europas länder. Tarmo Viirtelä, Finland Han har ägt/fött upp omkring 100 champions i terrier och pudlar. Vuolasvirta-pris för tjänstefull uppfödning av mellanpudel. Han arbetar som trimmare och tidigare handler. Blev färdig domare 1980. Dömer hela grupp 3, Svart terrier och nästan hela grupp 9. Kennelnam Nutlee. |
Vogels Cindy, USA Tillsammans med min mor (Jackie Gottlieb) har jag ställt ut Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers sedan 1968. Under Andover prefixet har vi fött upp över 100 amerikanska champions inkluderande ett flertal vinnare av rasspecialer, grupp- och Best in Show-vinnare. Vi har haft många topproducerande avelshundar t.ex topproducerande terriertik i USA någonsin. Jag har också fött upp champions i kerry blue, welsh och norfolk terrier samt breton. I huset har vi förnärvarande en champion dobermann, greyhound, pekingese and breton, and greyhound valpar är på väg. Jag har varit president för the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America och tjänstgör just nu som deras AKC-representant. Jag är sekreterare och utställningssekreterare i Evergreen Colorado KC; Vice President i the AKC/Canine Health Foundation och medlem i styrelsen för Take the Lead, en icke vinstdrivande organisation som stöttar medlemmar inom hundvärlden när de behöver hjälp. För närvarande är jag godkänd att döma terriergruppen, femton jakthundsraser och Junior Showmanship. Jag har dömt ett antal nationella och många regionala specialer i USA, ett flertal raser och terriergruppen på Westminster KC, och förra året dömde jag terrier i Australien samt min egen ras på Montgomery County terrierspecial. Varannan månad skriver jag en krönika i AKCs månatliga tidskrift The Gazette (Better Breeding) och har fått ett antal specialartiklar publicerade i the Gazette. Jag har examen från New England Conservatory of Music med specialdiplom i flöjt, jag har också en Master of Music examen i historia från the University of Colorado. Min man David och jag har varit gifta i 28 år och har en vuxen son. Född och uppvuxen i New York, har jag bott i trakten av Denver I mer än 30 år. Här föder vi upp och ställer ut champion Morgan hästar under Andovers prefix. Jag tycker också mycket om att sporta och då helst med löpning, cykling, simning och skidåkning. |
Vojtek Vlastislav (SK) ![]() ”I bought my first hound ever in 1974. It was an Afghan Hound bitch already from Slovak breeding. In the times of communism conditions for breeding were much curtailed. We could travel only to Hungary and Poland. Other European countries were for people from Czechoslovakia inaccessible. In 1978 the first litter with which we started the GANDAMAK breeding was born. For breeding we used only our own bitches, and from those only the best ones. Still under the communism regime, we used studs whose owners we could persuade to undergo all the bureaucracy in order to get admission to enter Slovakia. My career as a judge started in 1980 when I started with judging Afghan Hounds. Then in 1985 I became a judge for the whole FCI Group 10. Since 2000 I have started to extend my judging scope to other breeds. So, to this day I am judging the following breeds: Group 1. Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Welsh Corgi Pembroke I have judged in England, Dubai, Scandinavia, South Africa, Israel, USA, Australia and Russia, and practically all over the Europe. I had the honour to judge at two world dog shows – in Poland in 2006 and in France in 2011, and the World Champion of Champions for the anniversary 100 year of the FCI in Brussel-Belgium in 2011. I am honoured by your invitation and am looking forward to seeing and judging your World dog show 2018.” |
Voláriková Linda (SK) ![]() I got my first dog, an English Springer Spaniel in 1989 and I have been deeply involved with everything concerning dogs ever since then. I won the search and rescue championship in Slovakia with this Springer and also tried agility. My first show dog was an American Cocker Spaniel just two years later. Didn’t have much success with him, but fell in love with this breed so much that I breed and show them till the presen time. Under my prefix LAYTON in very limited breeding. I have bred 42 champions, including 25 International Champions, several all-breed Best in Show winners and World Show Best of Breed. I have also bred one litter of Dobermanns out of my beloved bitch Petra z Tomky with which I also actively worked. I started judging in 2002. My first breed was, of course, the American Cocker Spaniel. Since then I am approved to judge over 70 other breeds and I have been honoured to judge in more than 30 countries, including European shows and World Shows. I like judging also the Junior Handling competition, as I very much appreciate the devotion of the young people to the dog World. I had been a part of organizing team of the oldes international dog show in Slovakia for serveral years and enjoyged devoting my time to this interesting work. At many shows, not only in Slovakia, I have acted as the main ring spreaker, which gives me so much experience in looking at the dogs closely, but also studying the diffrent breeds in detail, a I like doing a lot of preparation work prior to the job. Breed I am licensed to judge: FCI1 – Berger de Brie, FCI 2 Dobermann, Black Terrier, Pinscher, Miniature Pinscher, Schnauzers, English Bulldog, FCI 5 Akita, American Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Shiba, Samoyed, Geman Spitz, FCI 8 GROUP JUDGE, FCI 9 GROUP JUDGE FCI non recognized – all breeds. Junior Handling and Best in Show. Countries I have judged in: Slavakia, Czech, Slovenia, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Serbia, latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Montenegro, Russia, Cyprus, Belgium, Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, Sweden, Hungary, Spain, United Kingdom, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Indonesia, Macedonia and Norway. |
Voye Karin, Tyskland Aktiv i tyska dvärghundsklubben. Uppfödare av cavalier king charles spaniel. |
Auktoriserad domare i Finska Kennelklubben 1965, allrounder sedan många år. Har varit aktiv i Finska Kennelklubben; styrelseledamot, standard kommitté, tävlingskommitté. Tidigare ordförande i Helsingfors Mässcentrum, även tidigare ordförande i Finska Shih Tzu Klubben och Finska Basenjiklubben. Har fött upp många internationella champion av långhårig collie, samt även fött upp några champion av welsh corgi pembroke. Numera Hedersledamot av Finska Kennelklubben, Finlands Collieförening, Finska Basenjiklubben, Finska Amerikansk cockerspanielklubb. Utsedd till Årets Domare 2005 av Finska Hunduppfödareföreningen. Rainer Vuorinen har dömt på alla kontinenter, på att stort antal FCI World Dog Shows och Europautställningar. Har även dömt många gånger på Cruft’s. Rainer Vuorinen Min ras har alltid varit korthårig collie, och jag har fött upp några internationella champions. Jag är domare sedan 1966, har dömt på alla kontinenter och har haft förmånen att få döma många fina utställningar, bland annat Best in Show på Stockholm Hundmässa 2011. Jag var verksam som ledamot i Finska Kennelklubbens styrelse under 9 år, och jag är medlem i FKKs standardkommitté samt även FKKs domare- och utställningskommitté. Har också arbetat i olika rasklubbar; jag är hedersordförande i Finlands Collieförening och jag varit ordförande i Shih Tzu klubben och Basenji klubben. Hedersmedlem i Finska Kennelklubben och även i Finska Dvärghundsföreningen. Jag har också erhållit Förtjänsttecken i guld från Svenska, Danska och Estniska Kennelklubben. |
Vretencic Sanja, Montenegro Allrounder. Framgångsrik uppfödare av Sibirian Husky. I hushållet finns även tax, representanter från grupp 6 samt bakgrund med flertalet raser i grupp 9, bl a shih tzu. |
Vyguzev Igor (RU)
![]() JUDGE SINCE: 2003
LANGUAGES: RUSSIAN, ENGLISHOwn of the Kennel “Baikalskiy Talisman” since 2000. Dogs in family all my life. In childhood was different breeds: doberman, grate dane, bullmastiff, shar pei, pugs, zvergpincher, griffons, st.bernard, caucasian shepherd dog. Since 1998 start breeding shar pei for a long period. In 12 years first time came in dog show as a handler, First time I visited the dog show in 12 years as a handler and show my own dogs, my first shar pei became soon multi champion . Later get edication at judges courses and was trainee-judge at more than 50 shows. First licensce as judge I get in 2003. Now in kennel & breeding – shih-tzu, york.terriers, pugs.I was Chief of Pet Planet Project which included Pet Planet Company Ltd. & Kennel Clubs in Baikal Region. Chairman of show committee few shows in Irkutsk city (Baikal region) and shows in Moscow. I was President Moscow Canine Center Took part in education programs for new judges, organize seminars for special cynological disciplines & handling I was President of Russian Shih Tzu Club, Vice President of Russian Shar pei Club, President Toy & Companion Breed ClubSpecialist in: toy-breeds group, moloss-breeds, york.terriers, retrievers. Specialist & education programs author for Junior Handling Competition COUNTRIES JUDGED IN: Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany, Сanada, Slovakia, Israel, Finland, Latvia, Cyprus, Poland, Montenegro, Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Belorussia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Portugal, Bulgaria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Sweden, Indoneisia, Iceland, India, Neaderland, Slovenia, Colombia, Serbia |