I have lived with dogs since my childhood. Our family has always had some miniatyre schnauzers for catching mice and rats in our thoroughbred horses stable. A brown miniatyre poodle came into my life 1961 and became my first international champion. That is how I got interested in dog shows. Before my wedding in 1968, we were joined by a borzoi, “Orlows Kafkas”, and he also won the title of a international champion. I have bred more than 65 int.ch., 25 world ch., many best in show winners and group winners, all under my kennel name “Superstar”. Also to be mentioned the first swiss bred American champion “Superstar’s Bolero” handled by Densis Mc Coin. At present my fourth borzoi, “Int.Ch. Sirhan Pushkin Antonovitch”, from Canada, lives together with three miniatyre poodles. Fascinated by the show atmosphere, I decided to go into judging. In 1969 I passed the examination by the Swiss Kennel Club and received my license as a poodle judge. I continued my training and shortly afterwards I was allowed to judge other lovely breeds. Since 2008 I’m an allrounder and special judge of 50 different breeds. I suppose that the excellent quality of the poodles which I myself have bred and handled for many years in Europe helped me to obtain in confidence as a judge. For the last 20 years I have had the opportunity to judge at the most important shows in Europe and other parts of the world. After 30 years of judging I’m still full of motivation when I stand in the ring. I love and enjoy seeing all these wonderful dogs and it is very exciting to compare in quality between countries or even continents Lisbeth Mach I have lived with dogs since my childhood. Our family has always had some miniature schnauzers for catching mice and rats in our thoroughbred horses stable. A brown miniature poodle came into my life 1961 and became my first international champion that’s how I got interested in dog shows. Before my wedding in 1968 we were joined by a Barsoi, Orlow´s Kafkas, and he also won the title of a international champion. I have bred more than 65 international champions and 25 world champions. Many Best in Show winners and group winner, all under my kennel name Superstar. Also to be mentioned the first Swiss bred American champion, Superstar´s Bolero, handled by Densis McCoin. At present my fourth Barsoi, international champion Sirhan Puskhin Antonovitch from Canada, lives together with three miniature poodles. Fascinated by the show atmosphere, I decided to go into judging. In 1961 I passed the examination by the Swiss Kennel Club and received my license as a poodle judge. I continued my training and shortly afterwards I was allowed to judge other lovely breeds. Since 2008 I am an allrounder and special judge of 50 different breeds. I suppose that excellent quality of the poodles, which I myself have bred and handled for many years in Europe, helped me to obtain confidence as a judge. For the last 20 years I have had an opportunity to judge at the most important shows in Europe and other parts of the world. After 30 years of judging I’m still full of motivation when I stand in the ring. I love and enjoy seeing all these wonderful dogs and it is very exciting ´to compare the different quality between countries or even continents. Lisbeth Mach (CH) ![]() I have lived with dogs since my childhood. Our family has always had some miniature schnauzers for catching mice and rats in our thoroughbred horses stable. A brown miniature poodle came into my life 1961 and became my first international champion that is how I got interested in dog shows. Before my wedding in 1968 we were joined by a Borzoi ,,ORLOW’S KAFKAS“ and he also won the title of a International champion. I have bred more than 65 int.ch., 25. World ch. , many best in show winners and group winners, all under my kennel name SUPERSTAR. Also to be mentioned the first Swiss bred American champion SUPERSTAR’S BOLERO handled by Densis Mc Coin. At present my fourth Borzoi, INT.CH. SIRHAN PUSKHIN ANTONOVITCH from Canada, lives together with three miniatures poodles. Fascinated by the show atmosphere, I decided to go into judging. In 1969 I passed the examination by the Swiss Kennel Club and received my license as a poodle judge. I continued my training and shortly afterwards I was allowed to judge other lovely breeds. Since 2008 I’m an allrounder and special judge of different breeds. I suppose that the excellent quality of the poodles which I myself have bred and handled for many years in Europe helped me to obtain confidence as a judge. For the last 20 years I have had an opportunity to judge at the most important shows in Europe and other part of the world. After 30 years of judging I’m still full of motivation when I stand in the ring. I love and enjoy seeing all these wonderful dogs and it is very exciting to compare the difference in quality between countries or even continents. |
Machetanz Peter Tyskland Peter skaffade sig sin första hund i början av 70-talet och har sen dess haft bl a Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, Pomeranian och Chinese Crested. Han fick sin domarauktorisation 1982 och dömer nu grupp 3, 5 och 9. |
Maeland Annmarie – 2015 Stort tack för er inbjudan att döma boxerspecialen i Smedjebacken! Boxern har följt mig hela mitt liv så det börjar bli ganska många år nu. Under dessa år har jag fött upp c:a 30 valpkullar under kennelnamnet Kajdy´s. På senare år har jag dock inte ägnat mig åt uppfödning utan bara haft hanhundar, importerade från England. Han som finns i huset nu kommer från kennel Roamaro och är 8 år. Jag blev auktoriserad domare år 1994 och har dömt rasen förutom i de nordiska länderna i England, Italien, Australien, på Nya Zeeland och nu i sommar på Island. En stor ära för mig var att få döma boxer-SM för ett par år sedan. Det skall bli mycket trevligt att möta er boxervänner i Smedjebacken! Annmarie Mæland Annmarie Maeland
Makaritis Stelios (GR) ![]() I am involving with dogs from the time i was kid. I have bred breeds from terrier group, toys, sight hounds, spaniels. I have bred and made up many champions. Now i breed some national Greek breeds, with a lot of success. Also i was responsible for their recognition by the Greek Kennel club. I served the board of directors of the Greek Kennel club in many positions, like General Secretary, Vice President, President of the Judges commitee. I am an allrounder judge and i have judge in many countries. European, World dog shows and ect. |
All childhood passed among Pyrenean Mastiffs in my family’s farm near the Pyrenees, in Aragon (Spain). Breeder of Pyrenean Mastiff since 1974 under the kennel name “La Tajadera del Tío Roy”, having won more of 180 National and International Championships, as well as seven European Winners and six World Winners. That is a World Record among all kennels dedicated to spanish breeds. Our dogs have been used as foundation stock to start breeding Pyrenean Mastiffs in several countries, as France, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Germany, Czech Republik, Hungary, Polland, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Brazil, Perú, Mexico, Canada and the U.S.A. Foundator, in 1977, of the Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff Club (CMPE). General Secretary until 1986 and Chairman since then until June 2010 and currently Foundator President. Author or co-author of nine books and several articles, both in spanish and english, meanly about molosser breeds, but also about sighthounds and pastoral dogs. International FCI judge since 1982 The only spanish specialist judge for all molosser breeds by the Spanish Molosser Club (1992) and the Spanish Kennel Club (1994). Judging International all breeds Shows and also Molosser and Sighthounds Specialties in International Shows at Portugal, France, Italy, Monaco, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Island, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Ireland, United Kingdom, Malta, Greece, Azores Islands, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, United States of America, Canada, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Israel, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia and Spain. Judge of yearly Special National Club Shows for most of the molosser as well as sighthounds breeds in several countries at the five continents. Judging in nine World FCI Shows and ten European FCI Shows until the present. All breeds FCI international judge since 2003. Member of the Board of Judges of the Spanish Kennel Club from 2004 to 2009 President of the Aragon Kennel Club since 1990. Rafael Malo Alcrudo (ES) ![]() All childhood passed among Pyrenean Mastiffs in my family’s farm near the Pyrenees, in Aragon (Spain). Breeder of Pyrenean Mastiff since 1974 under the kennel name “La Tajadera del Tío Roy”, having won more of 180 National and International Championships, as well as seven European Winners and six World Winners. That is a World Record among all kennels dedicated to spanish breeds. Our dogs have been used as foundation stock to start breeding Pyrenean Mastiffs in several countries, as France, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Germany, Czech Republik, Hungary, Polland, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Argentina, Brazil, Perú, Mexico, Canada and the U.S.A. Founder, in 1977, of the Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff Club (CMPE). General Secretary until 1986 and Chairman since then until June 2010 and currently Founder President. Author or co-author of nine books and several articles, both in spanish and english, mainly about molosser breeds, but also about sighthounds and pastoral dogs. International FCI judge since 1982. All breeds FCI international judge since 2005. Member of the Board of Judges of the Spanish Kennel Club from 2005 to 2009 and again from 2013 until 2016. Member of the Spanish Breeds Comission of the Spanish Club since 2013 until now. Member of the Breedig Comission of FCI since 2016. Judging International all breeds Shows and also Molosser and Sighthounds Specialties in International Shows at Portugal, France, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, Monaco, San Marino, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Island, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Malta, Greece, Azores Islands, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Morocco, Turkey, Israel, Japan, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, South Africa, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand and Spain. Giving seminars about different molosser breeds and judging many specialty shows for molosser, terrier and sighthounds in the five continents. Judging in twelve World FCI Shows and eleven European FCI Shows until the present. President of the Aragon Kennel Club since 1990. Hobbies: History; literature; wildlife; rock’n’roll; cars racing sport… and, of course, dogs…!!! |
Mannucci Massimilano, Italien Han har fött upp blodhund och har med dessa haft stora framgångar både nationellt och internationellt. Han har skrivit böcker och artiklar om hundar och har dömt bl.a. St. Hubertus show i Belgien. Har även dömt i Finland, Sverige, Polen och Ryssland |
Markio Marina, Finland
Maurice was introduced to the world of dogs, Sealyhams and Wire Fox Terriers in particular, by Mrs V.R. Walwyn (Coryton), when still a Birmingham schoolboy in the mid 1940’s, and since that time he has been breeding or showing his own dogs, handling for other people or judging almost without a break. Initially the Coryton kennel loaned him a Sealyham on breeding terms, but quickly Maurice came to the conclusion that his preference was for the Wire Fox Terrier, and it was in this breed that he attained recognition. The first litter produced Winford Warcry, an she launched the start into championship show competition. It was hoped that Winford would be apporoved as his affix, but this was not to be, instead Whittingford was granted in 1948. At this time it was possible for youngsters to gain canine knowledge from a host of top handlers, so Maurice was able to learn the basics of the show game from such handlers as Tommy Brampton and Les Atkinson, and it was actually the former who piloted the “Warcry” granddaughter, Whittingfor Wistful to her first challenge certificate and best in show at the National Terrier in 1952. Soon Maurice ventured into handling for other owners, the first Scotties shown being the litter sister puppies, Seccombe Satisfaction & Simone. Later these were taken over by Tommy Brampton who started them on the road to fame. Satifsfaction won two C.C.S before changing into the ownership of George Jackson (Jokyl), where she gained her title, while Simone retired with one C.C. In 1960 Maurice decided to become a professional handler and living in the centre of England he was ideally situated for travelling to the many shows. At home and on the Continent Maurice had a successful career, handling terriers, a number of gundog breeds an all three sizes of Schnauzers to numerous top awards. Among his clientele was Mrs Grover Williams, who owned the successful “Ramby” kennel of Scottish Terriers in France. Unfortunately, on the way to the 1969 Schnauzer Club of Great Britain Championship show they were involved in a fatal motor accident, from which his wife Gloria did not survive. Maurice sustained cuts to his hands, which curtailed his trimming capabilities, and so brought his handling vocation to a close. Still committed to a livelihood with dogs, the following year Maurice entered into a partnership with June Ellwood, whom he subsequently married in 1972. The kennels were converted for boarding and only his own dogs were shown. However, this diversification enabled him to commence judging dogs at Championship Shows, a pursuit at that time not open to professional handlers. His first judging appointment had been in 1959, a Sanction Show for the Birmingham Gundog and Terrier Club, and he embarked on awarding certificates with an assignment for Miniature Schnauzers at the 1972 Chester Championship Show. Since this time ha has been approved to judge many breeds, including the Terrier Group, his first being the East of England Championship Show 1979, where he awarded the Scottie, Ch Mayson Canasta top spot. His initial Scottish Terrier engagement was Paignton 1982 where his principal winners were Ch Noonsun Troubadour and Ch Kennelgarth Miranda. Officiating at the S.T.B.E.A. was his eleventh time for this breed. In his kennels, Maurice has bred Wires, his first love, Welsh, Lakelands, Standard Schnauzers and Scottish Terriers (which his wife June prefers). Furzleigh Mainly Millie was the founder of the latter breed, followed som ten years later by Stuane Gypsy Queen. She mated to the Kennelgarth studs produced several promising puppies including Swed CH Paddinton Bear of Kennelgarth, and his litter sister, Whittingford Warwick Jewel was the dam of S.A Ch Jack Spratt of Kennelgarth and Morris Dancer of Kennelgarth. |
Marpe Marion (DE) ![]() My husband and I startet breeding Irish Wolfgounds in 1978 under the Kennel Name Ard Ri. We were breeding and showing sucessfuly for nearly 20 years. In 1988 I became special judge for Irish Wolfhounds and Deerhounds and two years later for Afghan Hound and Salukis. I was judging a great number of speciality and Title – Shows all over Europe . In 2014 I completed the group 10 and last year all Podencos, Pharao Hound etc from Group 5. It will be a great honor and pleasure to judge the WDS Show in Amsterdam |
Martinez Miguel Angel (AR) ![]() Mr. Miguel Angel Martinez has enjoyed a long and varied career in the world of dogs. He has been a breeder and exhibitor of Pointers, Irish Setters and Viszlas and a sought-after judge of both conformation shows and field trial events. Mr. Martinez has held many positions in canine organizations, including the role of President of Federación Cinológica in Argentina from 1987-91 and from 2009-2014.He has also been President of the Americas and Caribbean Section of the FCI for twenty years (1995-2015) and he is a member of the FCI General Committee at present. He is approved to judge all breeds by the FCI, as well as the American & Canadian Kennel Clubs. Mr. Martinez, above all, continues breeding with much success and his dogs are now competing not only in Argentina but also in Italy, Mexico and USA both in conformation and in field trials getting national and international champions. |
I was born in May 1968 in Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia, where I also completed my education. I graduated in 1996 from the Veterinarian University in Zagreb. I am together with my wife owner of the Kennel «The best colour». We have bred more than 40 litters of various Terrier breeds, like Irish Terrier, Lakeland terrier, Welsh Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten terrier, Airedale Terrier and Miniature Schnauzer. In my kennel are born more than 100 national and international champion as well as European and World Champion. I’m authorized to judge following breeds:
I have judged in most European countries (international and national shows) as well at the Special Club Dog show, European Dog Show, World dog Show, Bundessieger and VDH-Europasieger Dog Show. Bojan Matakovic ![]() I was born on 30th May 1968. in Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia where I completed my education. I graduated in 1996. at the Veterinarian University in Zagreb. I am together with my wife owner of the Kennel «The best colour». We have bred more than 40 litters of various Terrier breeds, like Irish Terrier, Lakeland terrier, Welsh Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten terrier, Airedale Terrier and Miniature Schnauzer. In my kennel are born more than 100 national and international champion as well as European and World Champion. My first breed as breeder and judge was Airedale terrier. I’m authorized to judge following breeds : 1. FCI Group III – all breeds ( terriers ) since 1993. 2. FCI Group II – all breeds ( pinscher and schnauzer, molossiod breeds and Swiss Mountain and cattle dogs ) since 1996 / 1997 3. FCI Group VIII – retrievers – all breeds since 2003. Since now I judged in most European country ( International and national shows ) as well at the Special Club Dog show, European Dog Show, World dog Show, Bundessieger and VDH-Europasieger Dog Show. |
Matejcic Jasna, Kroatien Sedan barndomen har jag omgivits av djur – först var det hästar och lite därefter hundarna. Min första hund var en Old English Sheepdog – Bobtail. En ras jag ägt och fött upp många champions av. Sedan 1998 är det Shih tzu jag äger och föder upp. Jag har haft många framgångar, vunnit åtskilliga BIS samt titeln ”TOP Shih tzu genom tiderna” i Kroatien. 2007 skaffade jag ännu en underbar ras – Lhasa apso som jag också haft fantastiska framgångar med på flera prestigefulla utställningar. Under prefixet Dilemma har jag fött upp mer än 60 champions världen över. En önskedröm sedan länge gick i uppfyllelse 2013 när jag skaffade ännu en underbar ras – Tax. Det blev en flygande start med en reserv World Junior Winner och en Junior World Champion vinnare på rasen. 1994 blev jag auktoriserad utställningsdomare och har dömt runt om i större delen av Europa, Ryssland, Ukraina och Vitryssland. Jag är vice ordförande i klubben för Tibetanska raser och VD för avelskommitté. Sedan 2012 är jag också medlem i Kroatisk Kennelklubbens avelskommitté för bruksraser. |
Maule Patricia
My introduction to the fascinating hobby of exhibiting dogs started in 1972 with a Dalmatian, Buffrey Gulliver. He was the perfect companion for my two sons, being so gentle and tolerant. I borrowed a book from the library to learn more about the Breed and was totally hooked on the section re:Dog Shows. I learnt so much from this lovely dog about presentation and how to make the most of his ”positives” and illiminate his ”negatives”. With a young family to care for Dog Shows were few and far between, yet he won well enough, taking several Open Show Best in Shows and qualifying for Crufts over many years. I joined a local All Breed Club Committee and learnt how shows are run and stewarded for many years at Open and Championship shows, gainning valuable experience and advice from the Top judges of the era. The Shih Tzu soon caught my attention with their amazing expressions, ”in your face” attitudes and a zest for life. Always willing to please and be the centre of attention. They so enjoy stubborn moments of ”I already moved once, weren’t you watching ? Why should i move again. I watched the Breed for seven years before aquiring my first dog:Delridge Golden Orion, born in 1979 [he lived 17.5 years]. A fabulous dog to live with, a born showman who took me to great heights, winning 3 Reserve Challenge Certificates and many Open Show Best in Shows.My first Champion was an exquiste bitch:Champion Bowstones Shu Shan who ”made up” in 1987. She was a gift from her breeder, Mrs. Irene Booth who had watched my steady progress and felt i needed a little help with my breeding programme to win at the highest level. Sadly her offspring were not as good as herself or her carefully chosen mates. Also, sadly, Mrs. Booth died before seeing her generous gift achieve her Champion title. My ”Dog of a Lifetime” :Champion, Irish, Spanish, Finnish Ch. Daltricia Menelaus JW ShCM [10-03-2000 – 24-02-2015] was a ”joy to live with” and ”a dream to show”, he won his UK Title at just 16 months and one day of age. He is my facebook profile picture. I have ”madeup” six Shih Tzu Champions and currently have a young bitch on one CC. I first awarded Challenge Certificates in 1991, Crufts 2017 will be my tenth appointment. I am thrilled to be invited to judge SSTON Special Club Show in Skelleftea in April 2016, and look forward to seeing your beautiful dogs. Regards Pat Maule |
Maye Kevin, Irland Sin kennel startade han 1992 med kennelnamnet Kevanna. Han föder upp/äger kerry blue, irish softcoated wheaten samt irländsk terrier. Domare sedan 1987/88. Den första ras han dömde var kerry blue. Kevin Maye dömer nu hela grupp 3. Han har dömt på Irland och i Sverige. |
McCarry-Beattie Rita, Irland Uppfödd med hundar. Hennes mor födde upp engelsk cocker spaniel under prefixet Branstock. Började med att ställa ut yorkshireterrier i början av 70-talet. Började sedan med bichon frisé som blev den första i rasen som erhöll den irländska championtiteln. Har även haft ett par papillons. Är numera uppfödare tillsammans med sin make, av bichon frisé, shih tzu, amerikansk cocker spaniel samt engelsk cocker spaniel. Rita Mc Carry-Beattie, Irland Jag har haft hundar runt mig i hela mitt liv och varit involverad i att ställa ut sedan barnsben ( Tänker inte berätta hur länge sedan det var!) Min mamma hade Cocker Spaniels när jag växte upp, som vi ställde ut flitigt. Senare började jag själv visa Yorkshierterrier, Bichon Frisé och när jag gifte mig blev jag involverad i min mans Americanska Cocker Spaniel uppfödning. Vi hade också boxer under en kort period. Jag har hållit på och dömt hundar sedan 1972 och är numer auktoriserad på FCI grupp 2, 5, 7, 8 & 9 och får döma dessa på CACIB-utställning, men jag dömer också enstaka raser i grupperna: 1, 3, 6 & 10. Jag är engagerad i olika organisationer med administrativa uppdrag och är för närvarande Skattmästare i Irländska Kennelklubben. Rita Mc Carry – Beattie, Irland. Hon började visa hundar 1964. Har fött upp Eng. Springer Spaniel, visat labradorer och ställt upp på fältprov för retrievers. |
McCourt Sue, Storbritannien Kennel Silhill startade sin uppfödning av skye terrier på 60-talet. Har haft många championhundar i rasen bla Silhill Silver Secret som var den första i rasen på 100 år att vinna gruppen på Cruft’s. Detta var 1974. En del av kennelns uppfödningar har exporterats till Skancinavien. För ca 5 år sedan var det dags för en mindre ras och valet föll då på australisk terrier. Där har Sue haft stora framgångar och ägt toppvinnande hund i rasen 2003, 2004, 2005 samt fött upp toppvinnande valp 2005 och 2006. Kenneln har även fött upp championhundar av löwchen. Sue började döma på 70-talet och dömer idag skye, norfolk, norwich, manchester, irländsk och australisk terrier. Hon dömer mest skye, norfolk och norwich och har tidigare dömt i Sverige, Finland och Storbritannien. Sue jobbar som hundtrimmare |
McCoy Dennis FCI Groups 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10. Dick har ägt och ställt ut Irlänska Varghundar, Afghaner, Jack Russell Terrier, Bedlington Terriers och Whippets sen 1967, och han har fött upp irländska varghundar samt Whippets. Han dömde sin första special på Irländsk Varghund 1972. Hans domargärning har gett honom möjligheten att besöka Spanien, Portugal, Gibraltar, Holland, Belgien, Luxenburg, Tyskland, Litauern, Island, Sverige, Danmark, Japan, Sydafrika, Australien, Nya Zealand och Finland |
McDevitt Patrick, Irland Blev domare 1993 för raser i toygruppen. Uppfödare av chihuahua samt cavalier king charles spaniel. Uppfödare under prefixet Keenaughts tillsammans med sin fru och familj. Är ordförande i Ulster chihuahua klubb. |
Mellin Charlotta ”Jag har haft Kerry Blue Terrier sedan 1979 och har fött upp ett 80-tal champions under prefixet Rollick’s. Två av mina uppfödningar har blivit Årets Terrier liksom även en av mina importer. En exporterad Rollick’s hund blev Årets Kerry i USA för några år sedan. Har importerat ett flertal mycket framgångsrika hundar varav två har blivit Årets hund Nr 6 respektive Nr 3 under senare år. Har även exporterat till ett 10-tal länder. Innehavare av Svenska Terrierklubbens Uppfödarmedalj. I kenneln finns även Sealyham terrier, Irish Softcoated Wheaten terrier och Shiba och i de två sistnämnda raserna har jag nyligen haft mina första kullar. Jag har under alla år deltagit i styrelsearbetet i olika klubbar, mest som ordförande eller kassör samt som redaktör för klubbtidningar. Just nu är det Shibaklubben som jag lägger ner störst engagemang i. Blev auktoriserad domare 2007.” Charlotta Mellin Charlotta Mellin
Melchior- Schlechter Marie-Josée (LU)
![]() My name is Marie-Josée Melchior- Schlechter and I live in a small village at about 15 kilometers away from Luxembourg- City. Since my youngest childhood, I was fascinated of dogs. There were always dogs living at our home, for example German shepherd, Dachshunds , Poodles and Terrier mix. In 1978, I bought my own fawn Great Dane female and a black Dobermann female together with my husband and we started showing them at many dog shows . Later, we had a few litters of Great Danes under the kennel name” Fairlady´s” in fawn and brindled. Having puppies at home, was a big pleasure, but it was always very hard for me when they had to move to their new owners. In 1990, after having fulfilled the conditions, and having been judge candidate, I passed my judge exam for my first breed, the Great Dane. The second breed , I was allowed to judge ,was the Dobermann . These two breeds have their place in my heart and in my house till today. But my interest in dogs did not stop at these two breeds. I started learning and judging more breeds. In 1983,the Luxembourg Dobermann Club was founded and I have been a member since the first day. Later I became a member of the committee and since 2003, I have been the president of the Dobermann Club Luxembourg (DCL). In 2010, I became a member of the breeding commission of the working dogs in Luxembourg (CLSCU) of which I am the president since February 2016 |
Menaker Ron (US) ![]() Ronald Menaker, of Jupiter, Florida, has been actively involved in the sport of purebred dogs for more than 40 years. He has bred and exhibited Giant Schnauzers, Bedlington Terriers, and Norfolk Terriers, owned Border Terriers, and is deeply involved in many breed and all-breed clubs, dedicating his time in various capacities. Mr. Menaker first served on the AKC Board from 1996 to 1998. Elected again in 2000, he became Vice Chairman in 2001 and served as Chairman from March 2002 to March 2012. He is the past show chairman for the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship and the Westminster Kennel Club show, and is an Honorary Member of The Kennel Club (England). As a member of the Bedlington Terrier Club of America, he has held positions as President, Director, AKC Delegate, and Show Chairman. Additionally, he is a member of the Giant Schnauzer Club of America and the Border Terrier Club of America. An AKC judge since 1994, Mr. Menaker has judged at more than 200 AKC Conformation shows. His many judging assignments have taken him across the country and around the world, including to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Uruguay, and Venezuela. He is currently approved to judge Best in Show, all Working, Sporting, Terrier, Toy and Non-Sporting breeds, and multiple other breeds. |
Mensink Dinanda (NL |
Mensink Gerard (NL) |
Merati Lorena, International F.C.I. Judge I am a poodles specialist judge. I love stilish poodles with a great movement . I can judge also: Bergamasco Sheepdog, Neapolitan Mastiff, Airedale terrier, Wire fox Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Maltese Shih Tzu, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, French Bouledogue I have my kennel name Samarcanda since 1983 in Italy , then from some years I have in Spain the kennel name Es Samarcanda. Samarcanda is the name of a beautiful Italian song of the 70’s , talking about an old legend, of a horse . Horses being my second love , in fact at home we have Friesian horses too I had my first poodle (a black miniature) when I was 13, and my first standard I was 18, with this dog I imported from Germany I won a lot in Italy and abroad. Breeding him with a bitch with English line I had my first Samarcanda litter in 1983. When I met my husband I started show and breed Airedale terriers ,what we still do now. Few people they know that in the past I bred some litters of Neapolitan Mastiffs and smooth fox terrier making many champions As I told my first poodle, the miniature ,was a pet , I was a teenagers and had great fun with him teaching him a lot of different plays , he was like a circus dog . As I wonted a show dog I imported from Germany my first black standard” Black Bajazzo von der Weissen Bircke” He was a dog with a lot of temperament, very sweet but also a great guardian , he was really a joker, as the meaning of his German name it is, he had a great fun in the ring and I can remember once ,after the winning of a BIS he was running free in the ring barking to all the world ”watch at me !!!” . After that time he was always standing serious while the judgment , but has he understand it was finished he started to bark trying to run away free in the ring to collect applause. In my home I have 15 standard poodles from one year up to eleven, 3 boys an 12 girls , in black, white , brown and silver. On add several other of my dogs live with some friends or related of me, as my sister Sonia has two boys with her. I do this because , as I can give a good home, with a lot of love, to my dogs , I wont they be the loved child of someone slipping on a soft sofa. Poodles are not dogs to keep in a garden , we can do that with terrier that they don’t need so much physical contact with the owner . In my breeding program I use different lines, but some one of my poodles have behind on the mother line 6th generations of Samarcanda born in my house From many years I groom and show my dogs by myself, being a professional groomer, and international judge of grooming competition, but during the time many friends that are groomers too, having my poodles, help me keeping them in condition and bathing and grooming their dogs before the shows. Probably poodle is the most spectacular show breed, entering in the ring , a typical good poodle must catch the eye , because his structure, his movement, his style and also for his ”flashing dress” . Of course a good handling and a good feeling with the dog can give him more value, but a lot of coat and a super handling can not turn a second -rate dog in a great champion. Being a judge from few year, because I spent all my life showing, I am very proud because in a short time I collected several invitations from many European country and from USA When I watch poodles in a ring I love arrogance and style in them, in my opinion the movement is very important in such a show breed. I don’t like shy dogs, with the tail down, it can happen just to a puppy at the first shows, but such a happy breed must always show his happiness to be in a human company. |
Mery Chantal, Frankrike Uppfödare av shih tzu. Mångårig domare, dömer ofta vid dvärghundsutställningar över hela Europa. |
Meseguer Bernal Daniel , Spanien Bullterrieruppfödare sedan 1975 med kennelnamnet el Cornijal. |
Metteri-Gold Kaisa, Finland
Miles Lynda (Llanstinan)
I have had a lifetime passion for Labradors, my first show dog being a wedding present from my sister in 1975. After having my four children my husband and I purchased Hazelbeach Hoorah Henry of Llanstinan, a chocolate dog of Sandylands breeding. We also Went to the Bradking kennel and took ownership of Bradking Woody of Llanstinan, and Bradking Hannah of Llanstinan, brother and sister of breed record holder Bradking Hugo. These dogs are the Foundation of the Llanstinan Kennel. I have bred two UK Champions, Sh Ch Llanstinan Llewelyn JW, and Sh Ch Llanstinan Buzby Bowstones JW, and I have bred Champions overseas in all Three colours. My first judging appointment was in 1994 and I have judged at Championship show level in the UK and abroad on many occasions. Thank you so much for inviting me to judge Labradors in Sweden, I am highly honoured. |
Miller Jenny I live in Leicestershire in the Midlands of England, I have a home with my daughter and her boyfriend who are both keen dog judges and owners. We live with English Springer Spaniels, Skye Terriers, Cavalier King Charles SpanieIs, King Charles Spaniels, Papillons and a Standard Longhaired Dachshund, and a work with a rescue Border Terriers. I have a one other child my son who is married and has my two granddaughters now, 4 and 5 years old. I have been interested in dogs from a very early age and started with a cross Terrier/Shetland sheepdog who I competed with in obedience. As a 21st birthday present I was given a German Shepherd Bitch puppy who was Obedience bred, but at a show she went Best Puppy in Show and the bug was bitten to breed showing. I then purchased two more show bred German Shepherd bitches at this time I had already met my husband to be who was connected to the famous Pencloe English Springer Spaniel kennel and as a present we were given our first English Springer Spaniel in the early 1960s and campaigned her successfully in the show ring. We took out the affix FEORLIG with the Kennel Club from a visit during our honeymoon to the Isle of Skye where we stayed in a hamlet called Feorlig. Through personal circumstances our showing was stopped until we were given a beautiful English Springer Spaniel bitch (called Tilly) Pencloe Clearway of Feorlig and we restarted showing and breeding. I started my judging career in August 1974 at Open show level judging my own breed the English Springer Spaniel. I judge all the breeds within our 7 groups at Open show level and all the 7 Open Show Groups, and Open Best in Shows. I also judge all the Gundog Breeds in the UK to Championship level, plus the Gundog Group and Best in Show at All Breeds General Championship show. I have judged Internationally around the World from Barbados to Africa to Australia and most all of Europe judging all their groups at Championship level and Best in Show, and judging FCI groups 7/ 8. I have passed most all the required exams in the UK so far. I have bred and owned 16 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS Champions. With my daughter we have bred 6 PAPILLON Champions. I thank you for the invitation and I am very much looking forward to my judging appointment and seeing many of your lovely dogs. |
Mjelde Eva, Norge Jeg kommer fra Bergen, som ligger på vestkysten av Norge, og har vært ”hundtokig” hele mitt liv. Ble først autorisert i 1975 og dømmer nå nesten 90 forskjellige raser innen 4 ulike grupper. Jeg har hatt gleden og æren av å bli invitert til å dømme i omkring 30 ulike land, deriblant Amerika, Australia, Russland og Sør-Afrika. Selv oppdretter jeg labrador under kennelnavnet ”Surprising” og hittil har 88 hunder av mitt oppdrett blitt Norske utstillings-Champions. Jeg ble både glad og begeistret for igjen å bli invitert til denne fantastiske utstillingen og gleder meg veldig til å dømme disse rasene. |
Moen Borghild, Norge Uppfödare av pekignese. Gruppdomare för sällskapshundar. |
Mogony Susan (NL) ![]() Judge since 2014. Has been boad member of the breed club of Irish Setter and since president of the ”Jachthondenshow” since 2015.
Molin Ann-Christin, Sverige Ann-Christin Molin f.Wendelsjö, växte upp på landet i Bohuslän bland kor, hästar och hundar. All fritid under tonåren ägnades åt hundar. Den första egna hunden var en airedaleterrier (f-1959), som hette Skogsbrynets Peggy. Med henne tränade och tävlade Ann-Christin i bruks i Uddevallas Brukshundklubbs färger. Sin andra airedaleterrier köpte Ann-Christin av Ingela Nilsson; blivande Int.Ch Gay Gordon´s Babycham (f.-68), BIG-vinnare och Årets Airedale 1969. Ingela rekommenderade Jokylkenneln i England som förkovring i den ädla trimkonsten. Där träffade Ann-Christin Mary Swash första gången på sommarlovet 1968 och återvände sedan 1970 för att stanna hela det året. När Ann-Christin kom hem ifrån England började hon som yrkesmässigt trimmare och handler av terriers, stationerad i Göteborg. Under 6 mån. 1974-75 åkte hon till USA och Peter Green för vidareutbildning. Ann-Christins kennel Tanwood, har alltid haft en liten kvalitets uppfödning. Första kullen föddes 1963. Den mest framgångsrika uppfödningen hittills är tiken Int. Ch Tanwood Not in a Million, som blev Årets Terrier 1975. Ann-Christin har trimmat fram ett stort antal champions, främst bland strävhårig foxterrier och westie, men också flera airedale, kerry blue och welshterrier. Som trimmare krönte Ann-Christin sin karriär med att westien Int.Ch Gaywyn Dandini vann Hundsports Guldhund 1976, och som både trimmare och handler vann Ann-Christin BIS på Stora Stockholm -76, med welshen Ch Groveview Red Rum. Därefter importerade Ann-Christin tillsammans med Sonija Johansson, kennel Malmängen en airedalehanvalp från England, sedermera Int.Ch Darinkum Scene Stealer (f.-76). Han blev James med alla och är än i dag Skandinaviens vinstrikaste Airedale genom tiderna, med bl.a. 3 SKK-BIS och 25 BIG-vinster (inkl. SvTekl-BIS) på sin meritlista. Ann-Christin Molin, Sverige Ann-Christin Wendelsjö, som hon hette som ogift, är uppvuxen på landet i Bohuslän bland kor, hästar och hundar m m. All fritid under tonåren ägnades åt hundar. Den första ”egna” hunden var en airedaleterrier (f-1959).Hon hette Skogsbrynets Peggy och med henne tränade och tävlade Ann-Christin i bruks. De var aktiva i Uddevallas Brukshundklubb. Det tyckte hon var mycket lärorikt. Sin andra airedaleterrier köpte hon av Ingela Nilsson, Int Ch Gay Gordon´s Babycharm (f-68), BIG-vinnare och Årets Airedale 1969. Kenneln Tanwood som är Ann-Christins kennelnamn, födde upp sin första kull 1963. Den mest framgångsrika uppfödningen hittills är tiken Int ch Tanwood Not In a Million, vilken blev Årest Terrier 1975. Från England köptes Int ch Darinkum Scene Stealer (f-76). Han är än i dag Skandinaviens mest vinstrika Airedale genom tiderna. Under åren 1972-76 var Ann-Christin yrkesmässig trimmare och handler. Hon utbildades i England av Mary Swash och i USA av Peter Green. Hon har trimmat fram ett stort antal champions främst bland strävhårig foxterrier och westie, men också flera airedale, kerry blue och welsh terrier. Som trimmare krönte hon sin karriär med att westien Int ch Gaywyn Dandini vann Hundsports Guldhund 1976 och som både trimmare och handler vann hon BIS på Stora Stockholm-76 med welshen Ch Groveview Red Run. Sedan 1977 har Ann-Christina arbetat som hästskötare åt de travhästar maken Lars tränat, men 2004 började hon att arbeta på en Waldorfförskola. 1981 blev hon auktoriserad domare. Dömer numera de flesta terrierraserna två till tre gånger om året. Ann-Christin har också dömt i Danmark, Norge och Finland. AnnChristin Molin
Molin Lisa Är född och uppväxt i ett hundhem och har ställt ut hela livet. De egna raserna är Tibetansk Spaniel samt Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, men familjens kennel har också haft uppfödning av Chihuahua och Japanese Chin. Har fött upp över ett 70-tal champions, där Multich Multiv Bio-Bios Ivanhoe varit särskilt framgångsrik. Auktoriserad utställningsdomare sedan 2010 med övervägande grupp 9 raser, men också lite raser i grupp 5, 1, 2 och Amrikansk cocker spaniel. Har också ett intresse för trädgård. Lisa Molin
Molin Nils Svensk allrounder som tycker om alla raser, även om jag från början är brukshunddomare. Vilket jag betraktar som en fördel eftersom de höga fordringarna på anatomi sitter där. Har dömt i mer än 30 år. Dömer globalt och för mycket. Min fru föder upp Tibetansk Spaniel. |
Mitt hundengagemang inleddes 1978 när jag började visar en Pyreneiska Mountain Dog. År 1981 importerade jag min första Tibetansk spaniel och den första Avigdor kullen föddes 1985. Sedan dess har det blivit 36 champions med 72 titlar i hela världen – inklusive 13 GB Champions på tibetansk spaniel. Vi har blivit BIR på Crufts 2013 (Griffon Bruxellois), 2010 (Tibetansk spaniel), BIM 2007 (Tibetansk spaniel) och tagit Res CC på Crufts 2000, 2004, 2009, 2011 och 2012. Dessutom har vi visat fram ett antal raser till Championat på bl.a. miniatyr pudel, korthårig Chihuahua, Japanska Chins & Griffon Bruxellois (alla tre sorter). Vi har uppfödning av både Tibetansk spaniel och Lhasa apso är under kennelnamnet Avigdor och Griffoner under prefixet Castafiore. Jag har dömt i Irland, Storbritannien, Finland, Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Tyskland, Frankrike, Tjeckien, Belgien, Slovenien, Holland, Schweiz och Australien på såväl nationella som Internationella utställnigar. Jag älskar att döma i Sverige och jag ser verkligen fram emot att göra det igen. My involvement in dogs started in 1978 when I started to show a Pyreneans Mountain Dog. I imported my first Tibetan Spaniel from the UK in 1981. The first Avigdor Tibetan Spaniel litter was born in 1985 and I made up my first home-bred Irish Champion in 1987. I have also been involved in other breeds, mainly Miniature Poodles, Rottweillers, Lhasa Apsos, Griffons Bruxellois, Chihuahuas & Japanese Chin’s. I have been involved with many clubs and associations during …my 37 years in dogs. I have been judging at Championship level in Ireland since 1989. I am passed to judge the entire Group 5 (Spittz & Primitive breeds) &Group 9 (Toy & Companion breeds). I am currently progressing through Group 10 (Sight Hounds). I am judging my first BIS All Breed Championship show in 2011. I have judged in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Slovenia, France, Germany and Australia at both championship and International level. I have made-up / bred 36 champions with 61 titles world wide– including 14 GB Champions Tibetan Spaniels. We have been Top TS Breeder in the UK in 2010 & 2013 and In 2010, Avigdor Tibetan Spaniels were Top Tibetan Spaniel &Top Puppy UK & have been BOB at Crufts 2010, BOS 2007 and taken the Res CC at Crufts in 2000, 2004, 2009 & 2011 |
Morelius Anders Domare på Tax sedan 1972. Mina föräldrar hade under många år framgångsrik uppfödning av korthårig tax. Jag är gruppallrounder på 4 och 6. Jag är mycket för det informella i ringen, i specialklubbs sammanhang har jag öppen kritik och tycker att kommunikation med utställarna är viktig. Födde upp Goldenretriever under 70-talet. Just nu är det rasen Tibetansk Terrier som finns i hemmet. Utanför hundsporten ägnar jag mig åt sång och musik. |
Mount Alison | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mouchart-Kleingeld Loes (NL) ![]() In 1967, when I was 17, I became the owner of my first dog, a Shetland Sheepdog, and since then I have been loyal to this breed. It is also the breed with which my husband and I bred a few litters under our kennel name “Van de Dierenriem”. Over the years an American Cocker Spaniel, a rough Collie and a smooth Collie amongst others became part of our lives. At the moment we still have two Shelties. My hobby – all that involves dogs – has been the motivation to become a show judge. In 1997 I passed my exam for my first breed, the Shetland Sheepdog, and since then I have been appointed to judge all British sheepdogs as well as the Australian Cattle Dog, the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, the Australian Kelpie and the Australian Shepherd. Until a few years ago, I was also very active in obedience and agility competitions, but nowadays I am active as a ring steward and of course as a judge. As a judge I have visited many countries but my judging in Australia of the Shetland Sheepdogs, and especially the Cattle Dogs and the Kelpies in their country of origin was definitely one of the highlights of my judging career. That together with the judging of Australian Shepherds at the European Dog Show in Brno. But I also have lots of lovely memories of the specialties I have judged in different countries. Concerning my other canine activities I can tell you that together with a colleague judge I have been responsible for writing an interpretation of the Shetland Sheepdog’s breed standard which was published in the Handbook of the Dutch Sheltie club as well as the interpretation of the Australian Shepherd’s breed standard which was published in the jubilee book of the Dutch Australian Shepherd Club. In the past I have been a board member of a canine club and since 2012. I am the secretary of the Dutch Show Judges Association and in this role I have been closely involved in the examinations for the different breeds. To summarize I am a judge, have been a breeder and sportswoman together with my dogs but above all I am a dog lover. |
Munkvall Anna-Lena Domare från vår senaste kull svenska domare. Dömer än så länge Cairn, Norfolk, Norwich i grupp 3 plus Bearded Collie och Australian Shepherd i grupp 1. Kennel Easy startade 1985 med norfolk terrier, födde upp bearded collie på 90-talet och har nu enbart australian shepherd. Anna-Lena ägde norfolken Ch Porrigito Claypot som var BIS på Stora Stockholm 1997 och 4a Årets Hund 1998. Ägde också Ch MaxWell’s Red Devil som var BIS i Malmö 2005 och slutade som 6a Årets Hund samma år. Mest storvinnande hunden nu är australian shepherd Ch Thornapple Oh Brother som har flera BIS-vinster på SKKutställningar och var 3a Årets Hund både 2005 och 2006. Anna-Lena Munkvall
Munsterhielm-Ehnberg Zidy Zidy har varit uppfödare sen 1963 och hon har haft taxar, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Shiba, Isländsk fårhund, Eurasier och Rysk spaniel under prefix Zekiwa. Zidy har dömt i Finland, Norden, Estland, Irland, Belgien, Nederländerna, Rumänien och Slovakien. Zidy började sin domarbana 1967 och idag dömer hon hela grupp 4 och 9 och stora delar av grupp 5 samt vissa raser i grupp 1. Zidy Munsterhielm-Ehnberg har arbetat i många klubbar och kommittéer. Hon har varit styrelseledamot i finska taxklubben och den finska Toy & Companion Dog Club, Papillon Klubben samt Finska Dog Breeders’ Association. Hon har tilldelats AOT den gyllene förtjänstmedalj v Finska Kennelklubben och Taxklubben och silvermedalj hedertecken i Companion Dog Club |
Muntean Petru, Rumänien Auktoriserad allrounddomare. Första hund, pekignese 1977. Varit ordförande i en lokal kennelklubb, därefter aktiv på olika funktioner i den nationella kennelklubben under många år. Ordförande för den Rumänska kennelklubben 1996 till år 2000. Fött upp tax, chow chow samt kerry blue terrier. Ansvarig för Dracula utställningen i Rumänien. Internationell utställningen som avhålls i och utanför den välkända Vlad Draculs slott. Muntean Petru, Rumänien Allrounder. Tax och dvärghundsspecialist men även involverad i vinthundsraserna. Började med Pekingese, tax långhårig, har även haft chow chow, kerry blue terrier, shiba samt en rumänsk vallhund (nationell hundras). Sitter i den rumänska Kennelklubbens centralstyrelse |
Mustonen KimmoMy name is Kimmo Mustonen and I became a dog show judge in 2010. Today I am authorised to judge groups 2, 3, 4 and 9. I have also started to extend my authorities to groups six and ten. I have a life-long experience of dogs. My own breed is the Border Terrier. In my childhood home, we had Saint Bernards, hunting spitz and Finnish Hounds. Thereby, I have spent my whole life with dogs. I went to dog shows and hunting trials already as a little boy. I have been active as a ring steward and served in different dog clubs. Now I am a member of Finnish Kennel Club’s Board and the chair of the Finnish Kennel Club’s Show and Judges Committee. I have also been a Board member of the Finnish Dog Show Judges’ Society and the chair for the Border Terrier club in Finland. I am from Tohmajärvi, North Karelia, and spent the first 20 years of my life there. During that time, I spent a lot of time hunting with my father. I still have my hunting licence as a remembrance of that time. I used to serve as a field judge and a steward at hunting trials for hounds. Every now and then, we train our Border Terriers and take them to earthdog trials. Dog shows have however always been the form of activity closest to my heart. Already as a little boy, I sat by the ring and dreamt of being a judge. Now that dream has come true. I breed dogs together with my sisters Kati, Outi and Anna under the kennel name Ommik’s. We are going to continue breeding in a small scale also in the future, hopefully still maintaining a good quality. We have imported several Border Terriers from England to be used in breeding. I am happy to have had the chance of becoming a judge – it is not something that is self-evident. I consider being a judge as a responsible job – one must be faithful to the origins and the standards of the breeds. I want to learn the breeds I judge thoroughly. I have got acquainted with terriers in England, the home country of several terrier breeds. I still visit dog shows there, and last year I got to judge my own breed there for the first time. I have been well received as a judge. I have learned a lot of many breeds from many experienced judges. In addition to Finland, I have judged in 16 countries so far, of which the country furthest away was Australia. I take up new challenges as a judge with big enthusiasm. I spend my nights and weekends studying new breeds, being at dog shows, or serving in positions of trust. Dogs are not just a hobby. They are a way of life. |
Müller Hans, Schweiz Uppfödare av hovawart samt rhodesisan ridgeback under kenneprefixet Kianga. Ordförande i FCI, den internationella hundorganisationen. Allrounder |
Myrman Jens, Sverige Uppfödare av Grand Danois under prefixet Night Flight’s. Fick sin första hund 1970.Jens Myrman
Mähönen Markku (FI) ![]() In 1992 Mr. Mähönen studied to become a coursing judge and in 1999 he became a conformation judge as well. He has judged in Western and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic countries, Ireland, England, USA, Canada and Russia. He has bred Irish Wolfhounds, Whippets and Border Terriers. Mr. Mähönen has been very active in the club work, being the President of the Finnish Irish Wolfhound Club, a board member of the Finnish Sighthound Club and Finnish Kennel Clubs representative in FCI Sight Hound Commission. |
Mäkinen Maija, Finland Min egen ras är West Highland White terrier. Har haft westies i över 30 år och min första valpkull 1973, men har inte haft någon stor uppfödning. Jag har varit aktiv i Finska Westieklubben och har bl.a gjort klubbens tidning i många år. Jag blev auktoriserad domare först 1999. Är således en ”ung” domare. För närvarande har jag rättighet att döma alla terrierraser. Förra året dömde jag för första gången i Sverige på Östsvenska’s utställning i oktober. Maija Mäkinen, Finland
Möller Sieber Margret, Tyskland I sin barndom hade hon strävhårig tax. Vid 11 års ålder fick hon en kerry blue terrier.. 1974 registrerades hennes kennelnamn för kerry blues, Of Blue Curacao. Hennes andra ras irish soft coated wheaten terrier, under prefixet Wheten Rebels, registrerades 1976, och hon var då den första uppfödaren i Tyskland av denna rasen. |
Möhrke Carola, Tyskland Uppvuxen med terriers i hemmet där föräldrarna driver kennel v.d. Bismarckquelle och föder upp foxterrier av båda hårlagen samt welsh terrier. Carola började döma 2000 och dömer slät- och strävhårig foxterrier. Hon har tidigare dömt i Tyskland, Tjeckien, Österrike och Ungern. |
Möller-Sieber Margret, Tyskland Hon har dömt i Sverige flera gånger tidigare samt Österrike, Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Irland, Holland, Luxemburg, Frankrike, Schweiz, Tjeckien, Ryssland och USA. Uppfödningen av Irish softcoated wheaten och kerry blue, under kennelnamnet Wheaten Rebel’s startade 1978. Margret var den första som födde upp wheaten i Tyskland och har nu fött upp ca 35 internationella champions i båda raserna |