Dahl Elin, Norge Startet med rottweiler i 1969, drev med utstilling, LP og bruks, og hadde denne rasen frem til 2001. Kjøpte min første labrador i 1991, og har pr. idag 3 tisper. Driver med utstilling, blodspor , jakt-og LP-trening, og har et lite oppdrett under prefix Gullsteinen. Bor i Bergen, ble aut. LP-dommer i 1994. |
Dahl Bihlet Tenna, Danmark Välkänd handler. Mycket intresserad av juniorhandling och presentation av hundar |
Dan Pålsson Helle, Danmark Domare sedan 1989. Fick sin första cocker spaniel 1976 och har fött upp rasen sedan 1984. Har även haft irländskt varghund, engelsk springer spaniel och welsh springer spaniel. |
de Cuyper Jos , Holland Mr de Cuyper has been member of the Belgian Association since 1987. As a breeder he made himself remarked in 1978, when he started breeding Golden Retrievers, then later on Flat Coated and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. He bred many national and international champions, obtaining with four generations of Nova Scotia four World Champion titles. Mr. Cuyper stopped breeding as he got his judging license and in 1989 was elected member of the Belgian Judge Committee. He has held lectures on genetical, nutritional, microbiological, anatomical and physiological topics. He got his license in 1999 and since then he has judged in: Belgium, Portugal, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Norway, Holland, Luxemburg, Italy, Lithuania, Croatia, etc. He is the president of the Belgian National Flat Coated Retriever Club and chairman of the Scientific Committee of Saint Hubert Royal Society. He is President of honor of many other clubs and since 1999 member of the Directing Committee of the Belgian National Association as well de Cuyper Jos
![]() Born 4 april 1951. Member of K.M.S.H. (Belgian Kennel Club) since 1978 Breeding Retrievers: Golden since 1978 Flatcoated since 1982 Nova Scotia since 1989. Bred several Belgian and International Champions 4x World Winner with Nova Scotia Duck Tolling (4 generations). No more breeding and showing since I became a judge. Member of the examination-commission Instructors (K.K.U.S.H.) since 1989. Judge since 1999 (started with the Flatcoated Retriever). Training on a regular base judges on Dog-genetics. Nutrition Microbiology, Anatomy + Physiology. Judged many times in Belgium and abroad (for example: World Dog Show Stockholm, European Show Budapest & Leeuwarden, London The Champion of Champions, Agen, Amiens, Amsterdam, Anger, Barcelona, Bejing, Bogota, Budapest, Cagliari, China, Colombia, Douai, Dublin, Drammen, Echt, Eindhoven, Groningen, Hässleholm, Helsinki, Herning, Hildesheim, Iceland, Imatra, Israel, Italy, Joensuu, Kiev, Krakow, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Maastricht, Madrid, Malmö, Maubeuge, Mongolia, Moscow, Murcia, Nitra, Omsk, Oporto, Paris, Peine, Portadown, Philippines, Prague, Riga, Split, St.-Petersburg, Tartu, Tvååker, Utrecht, Uden, Vååsa, Vannas, Vigo, Vilnius, Visby, Vladivostok, Wychen, Zagreb, etc…). President of the Belgian Flatcoated Retriever Club President of the Belgian Great Dane Club President of the Scientific Committee K.K.U.S.H. Vice-President of the Judging Committee President of Honor in different Clubs Member of the Cynological Board K.K.U.S.H. Member of the Belgian Kennel Club Board (K.K.U.S.H.) since 1999. |
de Gids Jan (NL) ![]() I was born in 1949, married and exterior judge since 1985. The first breed for which I passed the examn was the Berger Picard. I have been a board member of the Dutch breed association for a number of years and was part of the breeding committee. Besides judging in all Western European countries, I have also judged this breed in Canada and the USA. When I became a judge, my wife and I had Beaucerons for over 10 years and we bred this breed a number of times. Unfortunately, not with the continued success we hoped for. The Beauceron has become too big and too heavy for us in recent years, so the last years we have had a Dutch shepherd dog. Furthermore, we adapt daily a couple of Manchester Terriers of our youngest son. The original plan to specialize myself in French and Dutch Shepherd dogs has resulted in being judge for total FCI group 1 and a number of related breeds of FCI group 2. The cynology is a time consuming hobby, filled with our passion at home . 30 years of management experience in the French shepherds club, a honorary member of the Beauceron Club Netherlands and a Golden honorary pin of the Dutch Kennel Club “Raad van Beheer”. I accepted the invitation to become president of the “Stichting Hondententoonstelling Rotterdam”, the organization of the show in the AHOY Rotterdam over 10 years ago. And I do all that with pleasure. |
de Giuliani Claudio Har dömt många gånger i Sverige och behöver kanske ingen närmare presentation. Nämnas kan dock att jakt och fiske ligger honom varmt om hjärtat och att vorsteh är den ras han själv föder upp. The list of the breeds that I am allowed to judge is (CACIB AND CAC) : I am All Rounder Judge Some results: German Shorthaired Pointer: since 1970 until 1988; many Excellent in the dog Show and a few results in a field trial; I was in many German Competition; German Longhaired Pointer : since 1976 until 1990; many many Excellent in the dog Show and a few results in a field trial; one Italian Champion and one International Champion Dachshound: since 1987 and still today; many Excellent in the dog Show ; a some Italian Champion; International Champion, one Europe Champion; for two time, Vienna and Berna, Second Place with Reserve Cacib in a World Champion, two Club Champion, Reserve Cacib Vienna 2005 European Dog Show |
Delerue Pedro, Portugal I had German Shepards, Irish Setters, Portugese Podengos with Kennel Quinta D’ABroeira, I breed Bobtails, Teckels long, short and Wire with hair, Cão da Serra Aires and English Bulldogs. I have breed more than 12Ch including titles of World European ones in 4 different breeds. My dogs have won more than 400 groups, 50 BIS top Adult, Junior and puppy of the year. As a judge I started in 1990 and I have act in almost all top shows off Europe as well as world show Argentina 2005, Eurasia 2005, Lion 2005, Helsinki and Nordic winner 2005. Best regards. |
Delmar Ross, Irland Ross Delmar föddes in i en riktig hundsläkt då både pappa och farfar fött upp och ställt ut terrier under kennelnamnet Shillelagh. Idag är det kerry blue och släthårig foxterrier som gäller för Ross. Han började döma 1995 och då kerry blue. Resten av terriergruppen har sedan följt på och Ross har dömt på Irland, i England, Ryssland, Finland, Sverige och Danmark |
Delmar Sean (IE) ![]() |
Deneen Dolores, Irland Dolores är en väldigt aktiv domare världen över. Uppfödare av engelsk springer spaniel. |
De Reus Joop I have been active in the Kynology since 1966, as a participant to several competitions with class 1 level. In 1976 I was installed as a judge with international acknowledgement by the Raad van Beheer in The Netherlands. Since 1976 I am a member of the board of the Royal Dutch Kennelclub Cynophilia and the President of the division Obedience of Cynophilia. Together with other members of Cynophilia I did developed the class 2 and 3 for The Netherlands. In 1992 I became a member of the FCI Obedience commission and in 1999 I was asked to take over the Presidency of Mr Bo Jonsson. In this function I see it as one of the most important tasks to bring together different countries into the FCI Obedience. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky person to see an expansion of the amount of participants (both West and East European) at the World Winner and European Winner in Obedience. Education and training dogs has become an essential part of the dog sport. And I hope that sad incidents with dogs will no longer take place, as we contiue to work for a good upbringing and training, based on modern methods. The last two years the commission has worked for an improvement of the FCI Rules, which will be final in 2006 for a period of five years. Therefore, I would like to seize the opportunity to thank my fellow commission members for their effort. |
de Ridder-Onghegna Liliane, Belgien En av de två allrounddomarna som finns att tillgå i Belgien. En välkänd dam på utställningar såväl i Sverige som i Europa. Framgångsrik uppfödning av bl. a. dalmatiner och vinthundar under prefixet Irdallys med sin make Franz. Är mycket involverad i dvärghundar och klubben för bichonraser i Belgien. Är aktiv bl. a. i den belgiska kennelklubbens standardkommitté. Liliane De Ridder-Onghena, Belgien |
Deschuymere Norman, Belgien | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Desserne Sylvia, Frankrike Uppfödare av king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles spaniel samt shih tzu. Sylvie Desserne (FR) ![]() Born into a family where animals took pride of place, from a very early age I was always surrounded by four-legged friends and mostly by our pet Pointers and Poodles. As soon my finances permitted, I bought my first show dog and was quickly smitten by the idea of starting a small kennel and that was when the ”Vilfloriane” affix was created. Shih tzu, then King Charles and Cavaliers King Charles spaniels become my life. I bred many champions mainly Charlies and Cavaliers. Thus started a passion that was to influence the rest of my life, not always I might add with the family’s approval as dogs tend to take over your whole existence. They can take you around the world, first as an exhibitor and then as a judge. Although my first breed, the King Charles, will always hold a special place in my heart, I have developed a passion for all breeds. It has now become impossible not to feel a thrill when I am standing in front of an outstanding exhibit whatever the breed. |
Detry Luc, Belgien Since I was a boy, I breed smooth fox terrier (1966) and I became fox terrier judge since 1976. Later, I also bred wire fox terrier, airedale terrier, west highland white terrier… I started with ”des Hellwoodiis” prefix but our kennel is better know under ”Belfox” prefix. Since nearly 40 years, I had the chance to meet and also became friends with famous english breeders and judges as Linda Beak (Newmaidley), Cyril Witham (Townville), Joan Langstaff (Sprotboro), Mary Blake (Watteau) and of course my dear friends Frances & Peter Winfield (Riber). My knowledge about terriers I also got through regular contact with the late Les Atkinson and Herbert Atkinson and of course with Maurice Marshall and Monique Van Brempt. I’m very proud of having bred and handled dogs that became not only international and world champions, but also english, australian and american champions. It was a great honour to me to be invited and to judge speciality shows all over the world and particulary, the UK fox terrier club show, the Australian one (Victoria – Melbourne) and the American fox terrier club show. I have also been judging a lot of international dog shows and terrier specialties in many countries in Europe. To be honest, I have to say that the terrier stock from the North countries is certainly to consider one of the best ones in the world. The World show in Stockolm will be the greatest competition and the most interesting to visit, specially for terrier people. It is not the first time I’m invited to judge in Sweden… it was a few years ago and I remember the real quality of the terriers in your country. So it is with great pleasure and interest I will discover how your different breeds have developed. |
Deutcher Erwin, Österrike Har under årens lopp varit uppfödare av strävhårig dvärgtax, långhårig dvärgtax, pudel, shetland sheepdog samt dvärgschnauzer och cavalier king charles spaniel under prefixet Von der treuen liebelei. |
Dickman Ferdi , Tyskland Kennel Jalisko. Fött upp Chihuahua, shih tzu, griffon bruxellois, men föder nu upp mops och fransk bulldog. Har i unga år haft whippet och skotsk hjorthund. Aktiv i den tyska dvärghundsklubben. Birhunden på Crufts 2006, var hans uppfödning. |
di Lorenzo Antonio, Norge Jag var mycket ung när jag började min uppfödning av Mastino Napoletano och har numer nästan 40 års erfarenhet av rasen. Det har blivit många framgångsrika champions under kennelnamnet Dell`alta Fuimara, bland annat den legendariska Ramona Dell`alta Fuimara och hennse son El Gavilan som blivit världsvinnare två gånger. Jag har hållit flertalet ras-seminarium runt om i världen. Är auktoriserad allrounder och lever numer i Norge tillsammans med Trine Gustavsen och våra hundar. Antonio has been breeding Mastino Napoletano for about 45 years now, and many dogs from his kennel were champions, world famous “El Gavilan dell`Alta Fiumara” won World winner show twice, his mother winner also in Napoli. Now Antonio lives in Norway and are still breeding in little scale Mastino. Antonio is allround judge and has been judge now 40 years, and has been judging over the world. He has held several seminars of the breed an Italy, Israel, Mexico, Russia, USA and England. |
Dinneen Deirdre, Irland I began exhibiting through junior handlers in the eighties and from there progressed to senior handling o my own breeds: English Springers, Pointers and Beagles. I have capaigned eleven dogs to their title in Ireland, seven English Springers, one Pointer and three Beagles, including two in England. I am currently on committee of the English Springer Spaniel Club of Ireland and the Beagle Club of Ireland. I began judging in 1993 and regularly attend breed and judging seminars. Dömer 1:a gången på Rocklunda 2005 |
Dijkhorst-Noij Rachel (NL) ![]() I live in The Netherlands with my family, my husband, two children and fur kids, in a nice town located in a forest area. As a child I grew up with dogs, my First dog was what we call a designerdog nowadays, a cockapoo. Then we had an English Cocker Spaniel and then several Rough Collies. I started training my Rough Collies at a local dogclub “KC Dordrecht e.o.”, became a member of the board and participated in Obedience, Agility and Flyball. We visited the UK for training courses and they also came over to The Netherlands to instruct us. While I also started to show my dogs, I also became a student for two basic courses to become a judge. With my Border Collie I also had a go with sheep, I loved it but it wasn’t easy to find facilities to train. Then I got my First Welsh Corgi Cardigan and soon more Cardis followed. At this point I only Judge Dachshunds (related to my own breed), the English section in Group 1 and the Australian Shepherd, for quite some years I am the president of the Australian Shepherd Club in the Netherlands. A compact group of breeds which I really appreciate and that I like to keep up with. Even more than being a Judge I am a passionate breeder (Waggerland Cardigan Welsch Corgis) and I love to show my dogs around the world. For me it’s not about breaking records with just one dog, I love to come out with new quality dogs time after time. I’m very proud of many great wins with homebred dogs (BIS) as well as the World and European Winner titles. I know what it takes to keep your dogs in great condition and what hard work it is to go and show at these big events and I respect the breeder/owner/handlers for this. I will always be gentle with the dogs that are presented to me as they are the reason why we are so passionate about the dogworld. I feel very honoured to have been invited to judge at this big event in Amsterdam and would like to thank the Dutch Kennelclub for that. I look forward to meet you! |
Djupvik Arild 1941 – utgave. Jeg har arbeidet med hund siden 1966. Startet med en schæfer og avslutter nok med en av samme rase. Har konkurrert både innen bruks og lydighet med flere hunder. Med Polarmarkens Herbert (Zorro) ble jeg Norgesmester i Rundering. Zorro og jeg har for øvrig flere andre pallplasseringer i NM både i Rundering og Spor. Vi er også blitt Nordkalottmestre, og har deltatt i flere nordiske mesterskap i brukshundarbeid. Zorro er brukshundchamp i alle grener, spor, rundering og rapport, og naturligvis også i lydighet. Jeg har vært dommer siden slutten av 80-tallet. Jeg dømmer lydighet, agility og brukshund. |
Doedijns Rony, Nederländerna. Dömer första gången här på Lövudden 2005. Han är bl a känd för sina ”Saimaan” Finsk spets. Dömer hela grupp 5. Judge Mr. Rony Doedijns I am involved in the Dog World now for about 31 years. My own breed is Finnish Spitz and Tibetan Terriers. When I was 15 years old I received from my parents my first pedigree dog. This was a Finnish Spitz male puppy bred in Holland. I started showing him and I always say that my first Finnish Spitz was responsible for getting me so deep in the Dog World. During the years I imported several Finnish Spitz from the country of origin Finland. I started breeding Finnish Spitz. I owned or bred several Dutch and international champions, FCI European Champions and FCI World Champions in Finnish Spitz. Since may 2007 I was inaugurated by the Dutch Kennel Club as the third all-rounder in the Netherlands, allowed to judge all breeds at championship show level. I am first Dutch judge who completed breed exams in all the 10 FCI groups. I have judged Best In Show and all FCI groups at international level in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2008 I judge BIS at the Dog of the Year show in the Netherlands. I have judged in most of the European Countries, UK, Canada, Scandinavia, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Africa, Russia and USA. For more than 30 years I am a member of SCANDIA the breed club for Scandinavian Spitz breeds in the Netherlands. I became a member of the British Kennel Club in November 2010. Occasionally I am doing the commentary at the main ring at dog shows in the Netherlands. For many years I was one of the commentators at the International Amsterdam Winner Show. I did the commentary at the European Show 2011. In 2009 they gave me the honor to judge Best in Show at the Amsterdam Winner show. One of the biggest Dog shows in the Europe. I’m Managing Director of the Dutch Kennel Club. Team member of the comity that will run the World Dog Show in 2018 in Amsterdam the Netherlands. I’m chairman of the Dog of the year Show in the Netherlands this the most important TOP DOG event in the country! I’m board member (Winner team) for the Amsterdam Winner Show. The biggest and oldest Dog Show in the Netherlands. For many years I was board member of the judge’s society in the Netherlands. Information Dutch Kennel Club via: www.raadvanbeheer.nl Information Amsterdam Winner Show via: www.winnershow.nl Rony Doedijns (All Round judge) Rony Doedijns (NL) ![]() I am involved in the Dog World for many years now. My own breeds are Finnish Spitz and Tibetan Terrier. When I was 15 years old I received from my parents my first pedigree dog. This was a Finnish Spitz male puppy bred in Holland. I started showing him and I always say that my first Finnish Spitz was responsible for getting me so deep in the Dog World. During the years I imported several Finnish Spitz from the country of origin Finland. In May 2007 I was inaugurated by the Dutch Kennel Club as the third all-rounder of the Netherlands, allowed to judge all breeds at championship show level. I am first Dutch judge who completed breed exams in all the 10 FCI groups. I have judged Best in Show and all FCI groups at international level in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2008, I judged BIS at the Dog of the Year show in the Netherlands. I have judged in most of the European Countries, UK, Canada, Scandinavia, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Africa, Russia and USA. For more than 35 years I am a member of SCANDIA the breed club for Scandinavian Spitz breeds in the Netherlands. I’m a member of “The Kennel Club”. For many years, I’m one of the commentators at the International Amsterdam Winner Show and I did the commentary at the European Dog Show 2011. In 2009, I judged Best in Show at the Amsterdam Winner show. One of the biggest Dog shows in the Europe. The board of the Dutch Kennel Club gave me the big honor to be the “Best in Show” judge for the FCI World Dog Show 2018 in Amsterdam the Netherlands. For my profession, I’m Managing Director (CEO) of the Dutch Kennel Club. For the Dutch Kennel Club, I’m chairman of the Dog of the year Show, the most important TOP DOG event in the Netherlands! I’m responsible as CEO of the Dutch Kennel Club for the Amsterdam Winner Show-HOND event. The biggest and one of the oldest Dog Shows in the world. |
Donne Irene, Norge Under kennelnamnet Ferryland har jag fött upp Newfoundlands i bort åt 35 år. De senaste 5 åren har vi också haft uppfödning av Perro di agua Espanõl, samt haft Fransk Bulldogg i tiotalet år. Jag blev auktoriserad utställningsdomare på Newfoundland 2005 och dömer numer ett antal raser i grupp 2, fransk bulldogg och Perro de agua. Jag har haft flest domaruppdrag på ras och specialklubbs utställningar från Finland i norr till Italien i söder, Ryssland i öster och England i väster. Jag har varit engagerad såväl lokalt som nationellt i Newfoundlandsklubben under flera perioder, samt lett BSBK utställningskommitté i 20 år. Jag är aktiv utställare med vår Perro och när jag inte jobbar, ställer hund eller dömer på utställning passar jag på att umgås med mina barnbarn så mycket som möjligt. |
Dornell-Thorn Britt-Marie
Douma Roberto (NL) ![]() Born in Schiedam in 1968. At home with my parents grew up with dogs like Dobermanns, German Short-haired Pointing dogs and later, the Tibetan Spaniel came into my life. Our Dobermanns were shown in both the Netherlands and abroad with excellent results, and we also trained our Dobermanns for Sch.H and IPO. Our Tibetan Spaniels have also been shown in various countries and my multi-champion male has given several beautiful champions in offspring. I also was in various board positions within associations, such as vice chairman, treasurer and commissioner. In addition, I also organized club shows. I have also been Secretary of the Pinschers & Schnauzers group for quite some time. In 1995, I passed the judge exam for Dobermanns and was, at that time, the youngest judge in the Netherlands. For more than 20 years I’m FCI Group Judge for FCI Group 1,2,4 and 9, and I’m also qualified to judge various breeds in the FCI Groups 3.5,6,7 and 10. Sofar I had the honor of being appointed as a judge on four international continents in 23 different countries at (inter)national and specialties. In addition, I have judges at several Amsterdam Winner Shows as well as at the WDS 2002 in Amsterdam. I have judged several years at the “Hond van het Jaar Show”, the Dutch “Best of the Best” and in 2015 I had the honorable task to select “Best in Show”. I hope to meet you and your dogs at the Benelux Winner and World Dog Show 2018. Rob Douma Född 1968 i Schiedam (Nederländerna), uppvuxen med Dobermann, tysk korthårig pointer och senare även med tibetanska spaniel. Vi tränade (SCH. H/IPO) och visade våra Dobermann med utmärkta resultat, vi visade även våra tibetanska spaniels och de fick många championtitlar.Vid unga år började jag arbeta som ringsekreterare och ville bli domare, vid 26 år ålder jag godgänd för min första ras ”Dobermann”. Jag är kvalificerad FCI domare för FCI-grupp 1, 2, 4 och 9 och flera raser i FCI grupp 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 och 10. Jag har haft äran att döma på special (CAC) och CACIB-utställningar i följande länder:– Storbritannien/Nordirland, Irland, Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankrike, Gibraltar, Schweiz, Italien, Österrike Tjeckien, Ungern, Grekland, Ukraina, Ryssland, Lettland, Estland, Finland, Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Tyskland, Israel, Sydafrika, Indonesien, USA och självklart i Nederländerna Även dömt på många viktiga titel utställningar så som vinnare Amsterdam, Finsk vinnare, Norsk vinnare och Bundessieger och årets hund för Holländska kennel klubben. 2015 jag hade äran att döma Bäst i show på Holland Cup Amsterdam och har dömt Bäst i show (grupp) finaler i många olika länder. 2018 var ett speciellt år för mig, eftersom jag hade äran att döma Bäst i show på TopDog-tävling för den Nederländska Kennelklubben och vid WDSI DomareD FCI grupp 2 i finalen. Alfta utställningen blir första gången jag dömer Bäst i show i Sverige och jag ser fram emot det. |
Doval José M I’ve been involved in dogs since my childhood. At my family estate we had Spanish Mastiffs, Pointers and German Shepherd Dogs but living in the downtown of Murcia my mother never let me have a dog in the city, so the first thing I did with my very first salary was to buy a Golden Retriever pup in 1990. Since then, with my affix “De la Enna”, I’ve bred and owned champions in Golden, Labradors and Brussels Griffons in 6 different countries plus some International Champions and World Winners, and I’ve shown my dogs all over Europe, including UK, Crufts, World & European Shows. I’ve been founder member of the Spanish Retriever Club, serving as Secretary for 10 years and after a five years break I’m now the Chairman of the Club. I started to judge in 2000 at Open level and actually I give CACIBs in 50 breeds from groups 2, 4, 8, 9 & 10. I’ve been the first Spanish judge giving CC’s in Golden Retrievers in the UK and I’ve judged in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Holland, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Latvia. I’m a journalist by profession and I’m member of the Board Committee of the World Dog Press Association. This will be my second time judging in Sweden and it is an honor to do it at the big Stockholm Show, especially with my good and admired friend Carlos F. Renau judging BIS Doval José M ![]() I’ve had dogs all my life. In my childhood, at our family estate in the centre of Spain, we had Spanish Mastiffs and Careas herding the sheeps, German Shepherds guarding the house and German Shorthaired Pointers for hunting. When I was 20 years old I spent the summer working as swimming coach and with the money earned I bought my first Golden Retriever. Since then I’ve bred mainly Golden and Labrador Retrievers, under the affix “De la Enna”, Brussels Grifons, Miniature Wirehaired Dachshunds and Spanish Water Dogs in the last years. I’m breeder or owner of Champions in 10 different countries, including World and International Winners, and I’ve shown my dogs at some of the most important events in the world: World Shows, Eurpean Shows, Amsterdam Winner, Bundesieger, Crufts… As an International FCI Judge, I’ve judged All Breed Shows and Clubshows in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Holland, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Russia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Hungary, Israel, Belgium, South Africa and Australia. It’s a great honor to me to be the first and, at the moment, the only one spanish judge allowed by The Kennel Club to give CC’s in Golden Retrievers in the UK. I’m founder member of the Spanish Retriever Club, having been Secretary for 10 years and the current President since 2012. I’m Committee Member of the Alicante Canine Society and member of the Spanish Kennel Club. As a profesional journalist I collaborate regularly with articles and pictures in many dog papers, magazines and websites all around the world. I’ve been the Editor of several dog magazines in Spain. I’m founder member and Vice President of the World Dog Press Association (WDPA) |
Doverholt Agneta
Drudi Enrico(SM) ![]() Born on 1967 August 3rd – living in the Republic of San Marino (RSM). Doctor in Economy (University of Bologna – Italy) on 1990 and finishing the 2nd Doctor title in Finance and Insurance (University of Bologna). Breeder of Tosa (FCI 260), with kennel name “Tisama Tosa Ken” recognized by FCI. Now I’ve 13 tosas and 1 central asian shepherd. FCI Judge for group 2, group 5 and some other breeds of groups 6,7,8. During the last years I judged in several countries like Italy, San Marino, Austria, Slovenja, France, Spain, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Moldavia, Macedonia, Turkey, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, … at international shows. Languages spoken : Italian, English, German, French, Spanish and a little Russian. Actually President of Kennel Club San Marino |
Dumitrescu Alin, Rumänien Dumiland bullterriers. Alin började åka på hundutställningar med sina föräldrar och fick sin första rasrena hund 1987. Han har sedan dess visat och fött upp bullterrier och engelsk bulldog. Han blev auktoriserad domare 2005 och dömer terriergruppens bullraser. Alin har engagerat sig i föreningsarbete inom hundklubbar och har jobbat mycket som sekreterare och kommisarie på olika utställningar. Han är för närvarande vice president i Oltenia Kennel Club, Romania Terriers Typ Bull Club och president i Oltenia Terriers Typ Bull Club. Han är medlem i avelsrådet hos Dolj Kennel Club. |
Dumortier Alain, France
Dupas Jean-Jaques, France 60 years Activity for the Kennel Club: • President of Club St Hubert du Nord (Kennel Club for the north of France)… • President of the Club du Caniche de France • Judge all breeds, 1st nomination in 1989. • I was • President of the Afghan and Saluki French Club • President of the Greyhound French Club • Secretary of the Bergers des Pyrénées and Pyrenean Mountain Dog French Club • Secretary and Member of the committee of the French Kennel Club (SCC) What I have done with the dogs: • Owner and handler of Afghans (one of my dogs was showed in USA in 1983) • Owner and handler of Berger des Pyrenees • Owner of Shih Tzu • I have presented my dogs in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Tchecoslovaquie, Austria, Yugoslavia, Spain, Italy, Portugal. I have judged in: France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, USA, Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Hungary, Sweden, Canada, Portugal, Slovakia, Lithuania, Monaco, Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Latvia, Australia, Uzbekistan, Estonia…. Dupas Jean-Jaques ![]() Activity for the Kennel Club: President of Club St Hubert du Nord (Kennel Club for the north of France); President of the Club du Caniche de France; Member of the committee of the French Kennel Club (SCC); Judge all breeds, 1st nomination in 1989. I was President of the Afghan and Saluki French Club; President of the Greyhound French Club; Secretary of the Bergers des Pyrénées and Pyrenean Mountain Dog French Club; Secretary of the French Kennel Club (SCC). What I have done with the dogs: Owner and handler of Afghans (one of my dog was showed in USA in 1983); Owner and handler of Berger des Pyrenees; Owner of Shih Tsu; I have presented my dogs in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Tchecoslovaquie, Austria, Yougoslavia, Spain, Italy, Portugal. I have judged in: France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Danemark, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, USA, Tchequie, Poland, Finland, Hungary, Sweden, Canada, Portugal, Slovaquie, Lithuania, Monaco, Russia, Ukrainia, Croatia, Latvia, Australia, Uzbekistan, Estonia…. |
Dykes Sue, Storbritanien Rasspecialist för tibetanska raser. Uppfödare av tibetansk spaniel samt tibetansk terrier. |